"hey!" jongdae whines.

"do you want your wife to be in pain?" i ask him.

"no," he grumbles.

"then shut up and take it." he gulps but nods, rubbing his hands up and down sunyoung's arms.

"jongin, i need you to lay some of my blankets out on their changing table so we can clean the baby off when it comes out," i say.

"yes, ma'am!" he says. he does as i say before rushing back to me.

"alright, now, the baby will be very slippery when it comes out so make sure that when i hand it to you, you have a good grip on it. if you drop it all three of us will literally kill you."

"don't worry, i'll be careful," he promises. he presses a kiss on my cheek, eyes widening when he looks at sunyoung and sees the top of the baby's head.

"oh god," he whispers.

"okay, are you two ready to have a baby?" i ask jongdae and sunyoung.

"no," they both reply.

"well, too late, it's time to start pushing," i say, looking up and giving sunyoung an encouraging look. "push for 10 seconds on 3, okay?"

i count down and she starts pushing, screaming out as the baby moves just a little, more of its head poking out. after 10 seconds, i tell her to relax and she flops back heavily against jongdae.

"you're doing so well, my love, our baby will be here soon," he whispers, pressing kisses on her head. she reaches up and grabs his wrist so he lets her pull it around her to grip onto.

"okay, get ready to push again," i tell sunyoung. after i count to 3, she pushes for another ten seconds and i grin when the baby's head pops out.

"head is out, just a little more and you'll be done!" i reassure her. i let her rest for a little longer and after two more rounds of pushing, the baby slides out without much help into mine and jongin's hands. as soon as she's fully out she begins to cry and i feel my heart settle in relief. if she wasn't crying i would have no idea what to do.

"it's a girl!" i tell the new parents excitedly. i lay the baby down on sunyoung's stomach and suction out her mouth so she can breathe properly.

"oppa, want to cut the umbilical chord?" i ask.

"okay," jongdae whispers. i look up at them and grin seeing both of them sobbing and staring at their baby. i clamp the chord near the baby's belly and hand jongdae the scissors. he cuts where i instruct him to then i hand the baby to jongin and he rushes her to the changing table to clean her off.

"she's so gorgeous, guys," he says, voice shaky like he's crying. i walk over to him at the table and after we've cleaned the baby off, i put her in a diaper and wrap her in a clean blanket. i throw my gloves away then pick her up, my eyes slowly filling with tears because she truly is so beautiful.

"are you ready to hold your baby girl for the first time?" i ask sunyoung. she nods eagerly so after slipping her shirt off, i gently unwrap the baby and lay her down on sunyoung's chest. the couple's attention is quickly taken by their baby so i head back over to jongin and he wraps his arms around me, both of us sighing heavily.

"i helped deliver a baby," jongin whispers. "that's a first."

"you did really well, babe," i say, standing on my toes to kiss him. "i have to go and stitch sunyoung up, now."

luckily the baby's head wasn't too big and didn't rip sunyoung up too bad so she only needs a few stitches before she's fixed up.

"thank you so much, (y/n), you have no idea how much this means to us," jongdae says, reaching out to take my hand in his.

"of course, i'm so glad i could help you," i say. "you made a beautiful little girl."

"thank you," sunyoung whispers. i grin and ruffle her hair gently.

"you're all stitched up so i think my job here is done. if the baby starts to have any problems or you have any questions, call me or go to the hospital immediately, okay? she seems really healthy, though, so i think you'll all be okay. congratulations and good luck."

"before you go, can you take some pictures of us and the baby?" jongdae asks.

"yes, of course." he hands me his phone so i take pictures of all three of them and some of just the baby then jongin and i pack up my things and leave.

once back at home, i drop face down on the couch, exhausted from the excitement of what just happened.

"i actually really enjoyed that," jongin says as he sits down in front of my face. "it was something i never thought i would do but i'm so grateful we got to help our friends."

"me, too," i agree.

this so far has been the most rewarding day of my life and i'll cherish it forever.

i hope you enjoyed this! i know there wasn't much jongin & (y/n) romance but i really liked the idea and i love what came of it. let's continue to love and support our jongdae and his family ❤️

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