Rowoon and I just arrived at work. Soojin was already inside. "Hey, Soojin!" I yelled. "Nabi! Are you okay? You like really passed out last night" Soojin asked me. "I'm fine, thanks for the concern. I've been in need of girl talk for a while" I laughed. "Stop gossiping and let's get working shall we?" Rowoon asked us. "Yes, boss" Soojin and I said jokingly.

The day went smoothly, as per usual. Until the real boss came in with his daughter. "Nabi, great to see you at work. This is my daughter, she really wanted to see the hero that saved her and brought her back to her dad" My boss said. I smiled and waved at the little girl. I walked towards them from behind the bar as Soojin took my place. I looked at the little girl with a warm smile. "Go on, tell her what you wanted to tell her," My boss said to his daughter. "Thank you for saving me, Nabi," She said. I was literally going to burst in cuteness, her voice is still so young. "You're more than welcome" I smiled towards her. "Lia. My name is Lia" The little girl said as she noticed I wanted to say her name to. "Such a young girl and so smart with such a pretty name! There's no need to thank me, I just did what was right" I smiled towards her. She raised her hand to high five me, so I did what she wanted and she giggled cutely. Her father looked at her with a warm smile.

Be happy little girl, live a happy life with your dad.

That's when she started coughing and I got genuinely a little worried. "What happened?" I asked. "The smoke damaged her lungs a little. It will take 2 months to fully heal. So, yeah, that's what we're waiting for right now" My boss said. "You should get her home. We wouldn't want such a beautiful young girl to get sick. Next time that you come, I'll give you a cookie" I whispered the last part to the girl. "COOKIE?!" Lia yelled. I put my finger over my mouth to gesture her to be silent. "Cookie? Why did you say cookie?" Her dad asked, playing dumb. "Nothing dad," She said as she laughed. I smiled too. "You're right Nabi, I should get going. It's good to see that the cafe is doing alright without me here. Good luck for the last hour!" My boss said. "Goodbye boss, goodbye Lia," I said as the little girl waved at me.

I walked back over to Rowoon and Soojin. "Such a sweet little girl, she seems so happy that you saved her so that she can be with her dad," Soojin said. "Yeah..." I said with a sad tone. "What's wrong?" Soojin asked me. "Nothing. It's nothing" I said. Rowoon started to notice what was wrong so he decided to start a different conversation. "So, Soojin, how are you doing these days?" Rowoon asked. "Uh, good I guess" Soojin answered with a weird expression. She didn't see it coming that he would ask that, mainly because they see each other a lot. I was looking down at my hands as I was fiddling with them when I noticed Rowoon was giving me a concerned look.

The rest of the day just went on. I didn't say a lot for the remaining minutes of work. And as usual, Taeyang came in right before we closed. "Taeyang, what are you doing here? I went along with Nabi. We can walk you know" Rowoon said. Oh yeah, it seems weird that Taeyang has a car and Rowoon doesn't right? Well, Rowoon got in a bad car accident and never wanted to drive again. He said he wanted to come back slowly but he doesn't trust cars that well anymore when he's behind the wheel.

"Yeah, well, something was delivered for Nabi. It seemed to be urgent because the deliverer of the package was gone quickly" Taeyang said. I looked up at Taeyang. That reminded me of the guy that delivered the flash drive to me in the motel with those two video's on it. I walked towards Taeyang as he held the letter out to me so I could grab it. "I should say it's a little concerning that people already know she's with us," Taeyang said. I, however, didn't really hear it. I opened the letter and read it carefully.

Another one, I hope you're happy with the second gift I gave you. Do you know who the little girl is yet? I think you'll find out soon.

Why is this person doing this to me and how does he get this footage. I grabbed the flash drive from the letter and quickly ran into the back of the cafe to look at the footage. Once plugged in, it said something.

Hi Nabi, I know you might be wondering a lot of things, Just now I'm on your side. I'm in your dad's circle. As a matter of fact, I'm very close to you. You just don't know who I am yet because your dad never let me near you. You need to figure out how to save your sister and find out who that girl is by yourself. I can't help you with that. - E

I clicked on the first video. Of course, it was my little sister again. She was sleeping while something under her bed got my attention. It said 30 seconds and was counting down. The red numbers started ticking fast. Is it a bomb? Are they really going to kill my sister just like that? Silent tears were running down my face. I couldn't cry out loud for two reasons. 1, I was to focused on the video and waiting to see what would happen. 2, the people in the cafe might hear me.

As the red numbers got closer to 0, I got more nervous. Right as it was about to hit 0, the video turned off. "No, no-no-no. Why? Show me what happened! Is my sister okay?" I yelled. The others might have heard me but I didn't see them coming to me yet. It was time for the mystery girl video. I know it's going to be her again.

I clicked on the video. It indeed was the same girl. She was lying in a hospital with a lot of things attached to her with a man next to her. It wasn't the same man as the one in the other video, the one who beat her.

"Daddy, will I be okay?'" "Of course you will. My little girl is going to be with me once she wakes up. I promise" "Really dad?" "Of course, I have no reason to lie to my little girl. You're so strong. Keep fighting, everything will be okay"

That was the little conversation between her and her dad? Then who is the guy that beat her up? Why is this E person helping me? Who is it? And why was he being so mean about it and then sweet in the flash drive itself? I don't understand. I was about to log off when someone cleared their throat.

"What were you looking at?"

End of this chapter. Do you think you know who the little girl is? Let me know what you think. Or... can you even know who the little girl is yet?

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