"There's no need to be. I will be safe and I'll be home on time. I promise." I reassured her and then she exhaled having no choice but to trust me.

Rhyetts Point of View

I should have told him, about the black magic about Nixion visiting me, it's all I can think about tonight...

I want to and I should have a long time ago but I don't think Maverick can live with the burden of hurt and pain he had caused in his past,

But then again was that my choice to make? Who am I to decide what he can and can't handle.

This is eating me alive,

I'm lying to him and that's the truth. I'm lying to him, I have been for a long time and I might not have spoken a word about Nixon's vist but not telling him anything...is lying,

I'm lying to the person I love the most, he would do anything to protect me and I guess I'm doing this to protect him but,

It feels wrong.

"You okay?" I heard Blair pull me from my thoughts as I cleaned out Maverick's closet, stacking all of his clothes into piles to take over to my apartment later.

I'm staying here with Blair for a while because I don't want her to be alone, plus it gives me a chance to actually get to know her.

"Yeah." I tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, almost shaking off my thoughts "Mav's and I" I paused "just got into a little fight earlier so I'm still kinda bumped." I told her a half story, because it was obvious that I had a lot on mind.

"Fights happen." She shrugged and then sat down onto his bed as she stared at me "I can tell that you guys are made for each other, don't sweat it...whatever it is I'm sure you'll both work it out." She was positive and reassuring.

"I hope so." I smiled a soft smile thinking that maybe it was time to tell him,

about his past,

Tonight when he gets home. I just don't want any secrets between us and this feels like one.

I folded his black Nike hoody that he didn't wash yet and still smelt thick of his cologne.

"Cute necklace." Blair changed the subject because she could see the sadness in my eyes,

Maybe my tears were being flirtatious.

"Yeah, Maverick gave it to me." I nodded and then touched it for a moment.

She was going to get one too, so I guess I should create a cover-up story before she thinks it's weird that Tusco was going to give her one too.

"It's a family necklace..there's some story behind it, all of them have one..the four of them." I lied, referring to the brothers "it's like a good luck charm, when I was going through something hard Maverick gave it to me and honestly I felt so much better, maybe a little fearless too." I laughed "I don't really believe in those types of things but I swear by this necklace, plus it was a gift from Maverick so how could I not love it." I shrugged.

"It's really pretty, can you maybe throw in a good word for me by Tus...I could really use some luck in my life. I'll totally return it after I win the lotto." She joked and then I smiled.

"You got it! Consider it done." I played but I was serious she's for sure getting a necklace, being involved with witches...

she needs one.

Maverick's Point of View

"Gentlemen." Nix smirked as we all stood facing each other, his accent thick of crumpets and tea.

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