"You Ok?" I nod," the doctors said that you need plenty of rest and that you won't be able to keep down food so you'll have to just drink juice,"

"Alright what are you doing in my room?"

"Wanted to check up on you and make sure that everything is alright with you,"

"It is so you can leave." He didn't budge," if you need directions to the door I have no problem showing you. If you turn one hundred eighty degrees you'll find your way. After that all you have to do is walk to the door and step out,"

"Your not always nice," he chuckles.

"What would I always be nice. I treat people how I want, or how they deserve to be treated. If they don't like it treat me better and I'll do that same," I roll my neck trying to release some tension.

"That's true, I'm going to leave you and go to sleep,"

"I don't really care what you do once you leave my room, I just want you to leave and close the door."

Octavian POV

I open my eyes and smile from my throne. My sweet Winter is doing good and that's all that matters. 

I laugh thinking of Wayland, well the Wayland that I allow them to see. That man even though has royal blood pumping through his veins is nothing more then my puppet.

It took many years but he's mine to toy with. He has no control of his actions, I made sure that he rejected Winter, that he seems weak to everyone else. It's amazing, I have one of my men controlling Wayland, making him do whatever I ask.

No one knows that the King that they love and cherish is nothing more than my bitch. I can make him jump, scream and kill in a heart beat and no one would know it's me doing it.

It's not like they could stop me, they would have to get the vaccine and give it to him but only I know where it's hidden. Even Storm doesn't even know it but I'm messing with him also, it's so deep in his system that he doesn't even know it's there.

Being powerful has always been my motivation in life. My dream was to have Winter at my side as my queen if she comes to me easily if not she'll be a collared bitch like her mate.

The only difference if that she'll know I'm controlling her. She's to pretty to be collared so hopefully she acts right or else I'll break her. I won't have pleasure in hurting her but she'll have to learn some how. I shrug to myself.

I smile to myself thinking of it. She's honestly too perfect, when I get to her I'll be able to use her powers and her title to be a walking living god in the time of man.

The only problem is this King Draven he wasn't a problem until he took my beauty away from where I can see her. It was already hard enough getting someone to betray her and work for me in her crew now I have to get someone else in Draven's castle. Great, I roll my eyes. Why is getting my way so hard. 

The problem with Draven is he's the damn King of demons no one is dumb enough to betray the bastard. He would tear your soul from your body and squeeze the life out and just before you die he gives you hope making you think he'll have mercy than boom he snatches it away.

Crazy fucker he is, makes me jealous sometimes than I remember I'm to be a god and I get over it.

One of my guards walks into the room and stands with his head facing the floor before me.

"What is it?" My tone bored. Maybe after this I can play some uno of something.

"Krest pasted out, Damien has been fighting him he's trying to take back control of his body. After rejecting Winter he's become enraged and fighting more than usual, I've gotten someone to take over for Krest. With him being close to King Draven it would be hard to give him his regular Cloroatelè dosage. He'll be good for three weeks before it starts to weaken and we start to lose control."

"Ok, just make him come back before those three weeks and give his a small dosage, that way Draven doesn't sense it on him and we get to have control over him," I shrug. I swear this mean would not be able to work without.

"We would have to have an emergency for him to have a reason to leave there," he countered.

"Throw Taylor down the stairs or something I don't know." I crack my finger. I  rub my growling stomach I need some lunch before uno,"Just get him away from her. If he stays with her to long Damien will start getting stronger and hope we can't have that happening," he knows I'm right. If he gets out then everyone will finally see the Demon Princess that so many are afraid of.

If he get out of our control now it will be hard to get him back if not impossible. It took years of giving him those Cloroatelè for it to even start effecting him. My father started to give it to him when he was young, he wants to control the Kingdom by controlling the King, he was ambitious but not smart enough to get the job done. I've done all he couldn't do.


Hello everybody.

Now you know Octavian has been controlling Wayland.

It's still the pass may be something has happen, or maybe not.

Some of you guys are confused, but don't worry it's going to get less confusing by chapter 60.

I decided to write a second book.
Yay or Nay?

Title idea: Hash Winter

Ideas for title would be appriacated. .

Til next time keep safe. ☺☺☺☺

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