Patrick Stump x Reader - A Little Sweetness Keeps Just out of Reach

Start from the beginning

When you entered the pre-chorus, you made sure to sing not too loudly, so Joe's backing vocals would be good to hear, and in the chorus, you turned to Pete who had joined you by your keyboard, smiling at him, before you turned towards the entrance of the stage, only to see Patrick that was already standing at the sides. He was smiling brightly, his face flushed a deep red, his hands buried in his pockets, reminding you of the shy boy you had fallen in love with all these years back. Only that nobody knew about this.

When you started singing the second verse, he eventually stepped out on the stage, still grinning and blushing, his shoulders pulled up. The crowd erupted in cheers, momentarily drowning out the text you were singing, but you barely noticed while you were playing the keyboard, singing, and watching Patrick walk towards you.

You finished the second line just in time with Patrick reaching you, and making way for him, you stepped slightly to the side so he could take the microphone, but instead of pulling it out of the stand and walking around, he kept it stationary, and continued singing.

You loved his singing voice, just as you loved his speaking voice. It had been literally years since you had heard him sing this song, and you could not help the huge grin on your face as you watched him pour his soul into the song.

At the line "I just hope my perfect stranger that my kids look more like yours" he turned his head to smile at you, as if there was some kind of code in the lines, but you were too occupied by admiring the way he seemed so perfectly happy all of a sudden, that you did not find the nerve to give it another thought, and directly after, you and Joe had to concentrate on singing the backing vocals again anyway. Patrick reached for the microphone and turned it so it pointed more towards you, and only laughed when you shook your head.

In time for the second chorus the gigantic screen behind you awoke to life, and you knew it was displaying the lyrics in form of the small video you had cut together last night, including the changed lyrics for the bridge.

The bridge had always been your favourite part of the song, together with the last chorus. So you could not help but feel a little disappointed when Patrick eventually grabbed the microphone and strode over to Joe, while singing the first line.

Joe, knowing about the change in lyrics, and now with Andy the only back up singer, shot you a quick grin. After Patrick's first line, the backing vocals originally were "Shine the light on me, shine the light on me" but you had changed them to "Shine the light on him" which worked just as nicely. The audience got the hint from the lyrics displayed behind the band's backs. And as if that had not been enough, the light engineers had managed to turn down the light on the stage slightly, so a spotlight that now turned on would be able to follow Patrick around.

You were not sure if he even noticed the change, he did what he did best: sing his soul out. By the time he had finished the second line, he had wandered from Joe, past Andy to Pete, throwing his arm over the playing bassist's shoulder, who quickly leant his head against Patrick, a rarely shared moment of affection on stage, at least rare these days.

When he started singing the third line, he was already on his way back to you.

"A little sweetness keeps just out of reach," he sung, stopping a few feet away from you.

That was probably the only line in the song that you always gave a bitter thought to. Yes, indeed, he was always just out of reach.

But while singing the words, he extended his arm towards you, as if reaching for you. You only noticed in the last moment, and before you had even time to react, he had already jumped back to your side, almost shoving the microphone into your face for you to sing the backing vocals and the next line together with him.

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