I - XVI:「The Calm Before the Storm」

Start from the beginning

The fact that they haven't been visiting me for a few months now only made me more anxious than I should've been.

"Honestly, it feels like it's only been yesterday since we started here in Hogwarts." I added with a laugh while fanning myself with my hand because everything still felt like the castle is on fire.

"Yeah, although I'm quite concerned about you since you still have to solve this mystery case that you and Potter's friends have." Alem nonchalantly said before handing the frozen glass of water to me, making me take it from his hand as I look at him incredulously.

"Woah, you sound like you're fine with it now." I almost snicker until he sighed in defeat and picked his book up again.

"Well there's nothing I can do about it. As long as you're safe and sound, it wouldn't really hurt for you to try and be a hero for once, would it?" Alem shrugged but I felt like he was being somewhat aggressive with his words, especially with the hero part.

I didn't address this, however, since Alem was just being blunt with me and it's not like he's wrong about me wanting to be a hero along with Harry.

Although he probably meant that as a joke.

"I don't really think that anyone is trying to steal it but you do you, (Y/N)." He added.

I didn't do anything but scoff playfully while resting my head on the palm of my hand with the melting ice of water pressed against my cheek.

When I began to retreat back in my thoughts, I started to remember about all of the things that we did this day for the exams.

Our Charms exam wasn't too bad, except at the practical exams where Professor Flitwick called us individually to make a pineapple tap dance on his desk.

I didn't do good but I didn't do bad either.

It's just the fact that I made the pineapple break dance instead of tap dancing, and everyone had to wonder what and why the hell is the pineapple doing something like that.

The breakdancing was all I could think of when I tried to make the pineapple dance and it made me remember all of those stupid dancing memes that I would come across on the Internet while laughing at them for hours.

Speaking of memes, god, I miss sharing and looking at them.

Nonetheless, I made the pineapple dance and most of the students weren't able to do that because of their nerves or maybe because they don't remember the spell.

So maybe I think I got half a grade from that.

Professor McGonagall watched us turn a mouse into a snuffbox.

Although I am pretty immature and laugh at stupid jokes all the time, I couldn't help but snicker at the thought of us turning a mouse into a goddamn classic form of ashtray.

While I kept laughing at those stupid thoughts, I accidentally managed to turn the mouse into an ashtray that I always see when I pass through a few bars on my way home from school.

The ashtray was clear and transparent in the form of a square while the edges of it were curved, making it look like it's oblong shaped.

When I first saw it, I panicked because I transformed the mouse wrong but when I look at it again, it felt like something in it was missing.

Like, it's not even an ashtray.

It didn't take me long to realize that the only thing missing in the goddamn ashtray that I always used to see were the ashes, or the remains of the Marlboro cigarettes that they smoke on.

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