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Amneris rode at the head of the—her—warriors on the back of her golden wai'u Aten. She stroked the creature's neck to calm him. He'd never been one for battle but refused to fly away. Stubborn beast. Aten shook his head with a huff, spreading his wings once as though he could sense her thoughts. Amneris wouldn't have been surprised if he could. On the other hand, he could've just been shaking the freezing rain from his form. It had only increased since they left the camp.

Colt gripped her waist from where he sat behind her. Amneris leaned back, trying to steal warmth from him. Amneris was one of the few people not in Lyriumian armour, the others being the Shifters and, for some reason, Colt. It was specially made for all climates. She didn't like the feel. It was too heavy and really only accomplished classifying the dead.

Aten stopped, cocking his head to the side.

"What is it?" Amneris asked.

He shook his head and continued forward. Amneris shrugged away her worry. It wouldn't be the first time her loyal wai'u became paranoid over nothing. Then again, he had senses she lacked. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to be on more alert.

Another wai'u, this one a mix of blue and green, trotted alongside them. He carried Leo and Nikki on his back.

"Something wrong?" Leo asked, pulling Cato back to Aten's pace.

Amneris leaned forward to rest her head fondly on top of Aten's. "You know how this one gets."

Nikki snorted. "I can't believe he hasn't flown away yet."

"I can," Leo muttered."

Amneris shivered. It wasn't from the rain. She could feel something across the snow-and-grass covered plane. Her eyes narrowed. Shadows were approaching. No doubt the Terpolites.

She pulled Aten to a stop as a familiar dark energy appeared. She growled low at the approaching force. The Dark King himself was leading the assault.

Amneris found herself glancing at her Court. This would be their first battle of the Forgotten War. The Tylwaerdreath incident didn't even begin to classify as one of the battles. More a small commotion. Amneris' gripped Aten's reigns tighter. The last time she'd been in a fight against Enliatu, she'd been in her early twenties.

"What now?" Nikki asked.

Amneris sighed. "Now we play a game of 'who can break the shields first?' Then we fight."

Colt kissed her neck before slipping from the saddle. He was a ground fighter, always had been. "Try not to destroy the planet."

She smiled. "No promises."

Amneris moved ahead of the others, putting her in a similar position to Enliatu. This was the hardest parts. Their powers would be all but equal this time. It was entirely possible neither shield would break. Who knew what would happen then! Amneris let out a breath. No, she would make sure it was her who won this time. No way would she let Enliatu be the victor.

A flash of red light crossed the field, striking Amneris' shield. She pushed back with her own power. Cyan and crimson light entwined in the dark sky as the two Core Guardians pushed against each other's power with all their might.

Amneris' form begun to glow as she sent more energy toward the enemy shield. She glanced up as she felt her own shield begun to crack under the strain. No, she told herself. Not this time!

A hand slipped into hers. Amneris didn't need to look to know who it was. She grasped Colt's hand and spiralled down into her power. He grounded her, kept her contained, in the moment. Amneris couldn't go all the way, not yet. But she didn't need to.

The Final Downfall WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now