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Leo lay in wait with a portion of his soldiers. They were the closest to the Terpolite party. Others were set at intervals between here and the camp, just in case some managed to break through the ranks. Normally, Leo would say that was impossible, but this was not the time to get cocky. They'd been lucky so far.

The rain had become a light drizzle, making it much easier to see. Unfortunately, that worked in Tara's favour too. Win-lose. Oh well. He'd had worse odds before. None with stakes this high, but now wasn't the time to worry about that. He didn't need to make a fool of himself in front of his own soldiers.

One of said soldiers nudged Leo, handing him a set of binoculars. Leo sighed. This was his drawback as Human. His sight was terrible compared to the others.

Leo looked over the dreary hills. The first Terpolite wave was slowly marching this way and—

Leo lowered the binoculars, shook his head, then raised them again. Nope, not hallucinating.

Leading the first wave was none other than Festus. That would be an issue. At the same time, it did explain why the party's number was so small. Festus always had had his head up his own arse, and that wasn't just from when they were growing up.

Leo's eyes remained fixed on his old friend. It was strange seeing him marching in front of the soldiers. Festus had a habit of making a dramatic entrance. This was anything but.

The entire thing screamed wrong.

The party needed to come a few metres closer for Leo's plan to have any effect. Attacking prematurely would only serve to give away their location. That was far from a good idea. Even so, Leo had a strong urge to surged forward and attack, to wipe them all out in one fell swoop.

But that wasn't the plan. He had to wait.



A volley of multi-coloured power shot overhead, all directed toward Festus and his troops. Leo didn't need binoculars to see the coloured smoke and fire from the explosion of mixed magics.

He whistled at the sight before him. No way anyone could've survived that. In the unlikely event someone did, there was no way they would be in any shape to put up a fight. They would be defeated with ease.

Leo saw something move in the smoke. Several somethings. Many somethings. Oh shit.

He raised the binoculars, eyed adjusting as the smoke cleared, and swore.

"Again!" he commanded. "Fire again!"

A second wave of multi-coloured power attacked. More of the enemy fell yet, somehow, more than expected continued to survived.

As the smoke cleared, Leo made out the faint outline of a crimson shield. Ah, so that's what it is. Still, they could break through it with enough raw force!

"Give them everything!"

His warriors responded with a wave of light so blinding that Leo had to turn away. When he looked again, only three Terpolites remained. Of course one of the three was Festus. Oh well, that was to be expected. He'd probably used one of the others as a shield when his own broke.

With the help of his binoculars, Leo watched his old friend raise a hand and twist it into a vulgar gesture. Dramatic as ever, coat bellowing in the wind, he turned and walked away.

Leo stood. This was far from over. Festus would be back. He never gave up so easily. This was merely the first try. He would be back with another plan or, at the very least, more soldiers.

The Final Downfall WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now