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She was pissed.

Actually, no. Pissed was being generous. Hathor was well beyond pissed.

She knew it was wrong to wish death upon people—it was the ultimate insult to the Lyriumian people—but she hadn't been able to stop herself. To think that they—that she—had been a mistake to her mother, it made her heart ache in more ways than one.

Hathor sighed. Maybe she should apologise for her words. She knew her mother had a temper, but she also knew Amneris never got truly mad at her. Something else was going on in the background for sure. Was she worried about her safety? It was Hathor's first time on an actual battlefield but she believed she could handle it. The others—despite the debate they'd had behind closed doors—agreed. Perhaps it was something else—

"You're still thinking about it, huh?" Jay placed a hand on her shoulder. "Try not to think too much about it. We all know what your mother is like."

"I am trying." Hathor's hands gripped her boy, the polished wood groaning under her strength. "Say, you deal with her getting mad all the time. How?"

He laughed. "I let her get everything out of her system, then we talk about it like civilized adults."

She nudged him. "Liar."

Jay flashed her a grin. "That obvious?"

Before she could answer, he held up a hand. "They're coming. Get ready.

The two were atop a hill overlooking the valley below. They were on the outskirts of Erostah, one of the rare areas in Creation where teleporting magic was forbidden. For anyone to enter the area, they would have to pass along this path.

Jay lay on his stomach, hands gripping what Hathor assumed was a sniper rifle. It was ironic. She knew he hated guns, they'd been the cause of his death, yet here they were.

Hathor knocked an arrow, lining up her own shot.

They waited.

Small figures appeared in the valley. An advanced squad, assuming the Scout information was correct. They were barely within Hathor's range! She wasn't sure she could make the shot—

"You'll be fine," Jay murmured, not taking his eyes off the target. "Just like regular practice."

"Only with live targets. I know."

Hathor blew her fringe from her eyes. This shot had to be perfect. So did the following ones. Her hands shook from the stress. You can do this. You're a perfect shot in class. This is just the next level, that's all. Her hands steadied.

She chose a target, eyes locking on. She let out a breath and released the arrow.

Instinct kicked in. Before the first target could fall, a second arrow was shot. Then a third and fourth. All arrows hit with perfect precision. The fifth, however, missed. A sudden gust of wind had thrown off her aim!

From her side, three suppressed—but still loud—shots came from Jay with no warning. Each hit its mark, directly between the eyes of the remaining scouts.

Hathor let out a low whistle. "For someone who doesn't handle guns often, you're a good shot."

"Why, thank you."

She punched his arm.

Jay slung his weapon over his shoulder. "Time to run!"

A nod.

As they ran to the next location given by Kek and the Scouts, Hathor found herself looking above. Dark clouds were gathering in the sky above Erostah. Thunder rumbled close by, sounding as though the Gods themselves were playing war drums, urging on the fight.

The Final Downfall WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now