Chapter 39: The Phantom Apprentice

Start from the beginning

Elsewhere in the tunnels, Jesse tells Maul and his Mandalorian warriors, Gar Saxon and Rook Kast, that they are wasting their time because he won't tell them anything. Maul is amused that he believes this statement to be true. Maul remarks that clones are bred for combat and tells them him that they are part of a greater plan, which he admits he was not made aware of. Maul says that he played his part and was cast aside and forgotten, but that he survived and can thrive in the chaos to come.

Maul tells Saxon that information is a great commodity, and tasks him with eliminating Prime Minister Almec to ensure that he does not become an asset to their enemy. As Saxon leaves, Maul turns his attention back to Jesse, but Jesse defiantly tells him that he won't be telling him anything. Maul doesn't care and says that he will make his mind speak or break. While Rook holds Jesse, Maul does a mind probe. Maul questions Jesse about Ahsoka and Darrel as he struggles against the mind probe.

In the prison, Lady Bo-Katan, Ahsoka, Darrel and Commander Rex meet with the captive Almec in his cell.

"I'm flattered that you could find the time to see me!" Almec said.

"What's Maul's plan? How is he going to escape!" Bo-Katan asked.

Almec laughs and stands up.

"Maul is not trying to escape because he sees no point in doing so!" Almec replied.

"So he thinks that he can defeat us?" Bo-Katan said.

"No, that's not it! For weeks now he's been consumed by a strange sense of dread!"

"Has he mentioned Sidious?" Ahsoka asked.

"Not that I can recall!" Almec replied.

"You said he wanted Kenobi here! Why?" Bo-Katan asked.

"Wasn't just Kenobi he wanted, no. There was someone else he was interested in." Almec said.

Almec smirked.

"If only I could remember the name!" Almec said.

"Bo, help him remember!" Ahsoka said.

Before Bo could approach, Darrel stepped in front of her.

"No, I got this!" Darrel said as he glared at Almec. "I still owe you for what what you did to Ahsoka the last time she was here!"

"No, no wait! It was—" Before Almec can tell them anything more, he is shot by Gar Saxon.

Bo-Katan leaves to pursue Saxon while Rex calls a medic. Ahsoka and Darrel tends to the wounded Almec.

"Maul had a vision. A dream. The name came to him!" Almec said weekly.

"What name?!" Ahsoka asked.

"Sky...walker!" Almec said as he fell to the floor breathless.

Later, clone troopers evacuate the civilian population of Sundari into shelters while Rex, Ahsoka, Darrel, and Bo-Katan watch. Several citizens grumble. Then they enter the palace.

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