Chapter 14

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Bey's POV.

My eyes fluttered open and I felt pressure weighing down my lower body. I glanced at Shawn who was spread across my stomach and smiled. I teased his sideburns with my fingernails and slipped from under him as I made my way to the kitchen and prepared a cup of hot tea.

I gazed out of the window and watched two squirrels chase each other up and down a tree. I was so caught up in my thoughts about Trey that I hadn't even heard Shawn walk out of the bedroom.

He hugged my waist and kissed the side of my neck. A grin spread across my face and I placed my cup on the counter before turning around to face him. "Good morning." He whispered, pushing my lower back into his pelvis.

I leaned my forehead against his and rubbed the back of his neck. "Morning. How'd you sleep?"

"Aight. I ain't get in bed until around 11:30."

"Why so late?" I asked turning on the stovetop.

"I was up watching Greys Anatomy. That shows really good." He said biting into an apple.



"Why are you eating an apple and I'm about to make breakfast?"

"I'm hungry." He shrugged. "This won't fill me up."

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes. "Sausage or bacon."

"Sausage.. links." Joi walked into the kitchen and yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning everyone."

"Morning pumpkin."

"Hey baby girl." Shawn picked her up and gave her a big wet kiss on the cheek.

"My tooth hurts, daddy."

"Why, Princess?"

"I don't know."

"Show me." She opened her mouth and pointed to one on the top towards the front. He touched it and it wiggled. "Looks like you have a loose tooth."

She gasped. "Really?! This'll be my first one! Now I'll finally be able to get paid by the tooth fairy!"

"How much money do you want?"


"Alright I'll talk to her and see what she can do."

"You know her?" Her eyes widened with shock.

"Of course I do! So does BB."

"Yup!" Bey said giving Joi an assuring smile.

"Wow, this is great." She said wiggling out of her fathers arms. "Thank you guys."

"No problem." Bey said reaching in the spice cabinet and grabbing some garlic. When she came back down, everything jiggled.

"Your butt is huge, BB."

"It it not! It's average size."

"Well if that's average size, so is mine!"

"Thank you, Joi." Shawn chimed in.

"Don't entertain her antics."

"I'm just saying.. that's enough to start an earthquake."

The Barbie Doll.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ