Chapter 16

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Phone conversation.

"Hello?.." I stretched, sitting up. "Kerry? Why are you calling so early? Is everything alright? .. "Shit! That's today? I forgot.." I sighed. "I'll be there in 20 minutes."

End of phone conversation.

I ran upstairs to my room and quickly threw on a pair of denim jeans, a white dress shirt and brown leather shoes. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I went into my daughters room and kissed her forehead then made my way down to Bey's and shook her repeatedly until she finally turned over. "Bey."


"Good morning.."

"Morning Shawn."

"I need you to do me a favor."


"Can you get Joi up and ready for school? I have to run downtown to my restaurant."

"Why? It's like 6:00 in the morning."

"There's business that needs to be taken care of. Can you do it please?!" She didn't respond. "Bey?"

"Yeah yeah Shawn, I... yeah." She said half sleep.

I chuckled to myself and kissed her cheek then went into the living room and placed a piece of paper on the table when I heard a car horn. I grabbed my house key and closed the door behind me as I got into the cab and handed the driver $6.

"11 Madison Ave, please."

"You got it." Was the last thing he said before speeding off.


Half an hour later..

"BB." Joi whispered. "Wake up!" I heard her speaking.. but I was too tired to respond. "Wakie wakie." She spoke softly before placing her tiny lips on my eye. I was shook once more before opening them and staring at her.

I smiled and quickly blinked. "Hey Munchkin." She gasped.

"You're up, you're up!!" She chanted. "Good morning to you, the birds are chirping! Ah ah, ah ah ah!"

I laughed. "You're so silly. What time is it?"

"Time to get ready for school.. I don't wanna go. Can I stay home?" She whined.

"No ma'am you cannot. Your dad will kill me!"

"He doesn't have to know." She whispered.

"Why are you whispering?"

"Because he could be listening in on our conversation."

"He's not even here."

"Where'd he go?"

"I forgot.. but I do remember him waking me up this morning and saying he'd be back later on."

"See! Later on could be 4:00 in the afternoon! That's a while after I get out of school! He'll never know!"

"Yes he will.. your school will call."

"But you'll be here to answer it! So you can say I was sick or something."

"You're jinxing yourself Lil Mama.."


I sighed. "I would if I could but no Joi, you have to go to school. No ifs ands or buts about it."

"Bu-" I grabbed her face.

"Do you want to be successful in life?"


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