Chapter 3 (Pt.1)

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Joi's P.O.V

I woke up in daddy's bed around 10:25 and found Beyoncé on the window. I twisted my eye brows as I went to grab her, then placed her on the pillow. I climbed onto daddy's back and sat there.

"Daddy!" Joi said.


"Daddy get up!" She said as little louder.




I folded my arms and frowned my face as I thought of another way to wake him up. I started bouncing on his back and screamed.

"DADDY WAKE UP!!" He jumped off and accidentally almost knocked Joi off the bed. He reacted quick and caught her by her foot. She giggled as he helped her up.

"Joi.. what are you doing?"

"I was trying to wake you up."

"You didn't have to jump on daddy's back."

"But you weren't waking up! I thought you'd hear me with those big ears of yours."

I chuckled. "Be quiet. You have big ears too."

"No. I have mommy's ears."

"What else do you have of mommy's?"

"Her eyes and lips."

"And of me?"

"Your nose and smile." She said as she pinched Shawn's cheeks.

"Ouch.. your nails hurt."

"I'm sorry. Daddy?" She said as she got off the bed.


"Did you put my doll by the window?"

"The window? no. You fell asleep with her in her arms. Why?"

"Because when I woke up.. she was sitting on the window seal."



"Are you sure?"

"Mhm." Joi said as she nodded her head.

"Maybe she got up and walked." Shawn said as he chuckled.

"That would be SO COOL!"

I chuckled. "I was kidding."

She shrugged her shoulders. "Could we go to iHop for breakfast?"

"Sure. Go get ready."

"Yes daddy. What color are you wearing?"

"Black.. maybe white."

"You're always wearing black."

"Your mother always used to say that."

Joi smiled and looked down. "Mommy was silly."

"So are you." Shawn said as he tickled her. She laughed and accidentally punched him in his mouth.

"Dang girl. You strong." He said as he held his mouth.

She stared at him with her mouth open like she was about to cry. "Daddy, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do it." She said as she hugged his neck. "Does it hurt?"

Shawn pouted and nodded his head. Joi leaned in, to peck his lip, then gently touched it as she highly whispered. "How about now?"

I chuckled. "It's better baby girl. Thank you." He said kissing her cheek.

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