Chapter 21

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2 weeks later:

"Hey girl." Crystal said welcoming me into a warm hug. I had called her earlier this morning around 10:00 so we could talk about some things.

"Hey." I smiled, setting my purse on the couch. "How are you?"

She sighed. "Exhausted."

"Having insomnia?" She shrugged and repositioned herself in the seat.

"Not that type of exhausted.. It's just a lot going on, you know with my job, everyday life.. Plus still getting over my break up."

"Sounds like you need a vacation."

"I wish, but I can't right now. Bills must be paid."

"Well Shawn does that, not me.. So I wouldn't know what it's like to pay one." She laughed and put her head down but I was serious.

I slid my hands down my pants as the room grew quiet and I tapped my finger tip against my foot which rested under me. "How are you guys?" She asked bringing me out of a trance.

"How's who?"

"You and Shawn."

"Um, we're great.." I shrugged. "I don't really know what else to say."

"Y'all aren't dating?"

"No." I blushed a little. "Why would we be?"

"I thought thats what y'all wanted."

"I mean-" I sat at the edge of the couch and put my hands out in front of me. "We have feelings for each other but I don't think we'll actually end up hooking up."

"Why not?"

"We're better off friends.. plus I don't want him moving on too fast you know?"

"I mean, if your feelings are as strong for each other as they seem, be my guest and date each other. Don't not do it because of me."

"Oh it's not because of you.. I'd date him anytime.. even if y'all were still together. But I'm not that type of person." I said smiling.

"Since we're over, can you tell me what happened between y'all?"


"I wanna know."

"Y'all are over and that situation is over. I don't think there's anything more to discuss." She sighed, apparently becoming annoyed with me and gave me a look. "You can speak if something's on your mind."

"Why won't you tell me?"

"Because I don't think it's necessary to be talked about." I said, she scoffed.

"I ain't calling you a hoe, but that was hoe-ish activity."

I giggled and scratched the back of my neck. "Have you heard of the corporation called get your life?"


"I think you should look into it. Visit or call 1-800-have several seats." I smiled again innocently.

"You're funny."

"Thanks." I winked.

"So what's the real reason why you came over today?"

"Whatchu mean?"

"You said you had something you wanted to talk about."

"Are you sure you wanna know?"

"Of course I do."

"Take a guess first, you get three tries."

"And if I don't guess right?"

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