Chapter 1

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"Wake up, Princess." Shawn mumbled, kissing his daughters cheek. "Its time for school." She groaned and rolled over to face the wall.

"Five more minutes, daddy. Please?"

"Nope." He shook his head and snatched the cover off of her. "I gave you five extra minutes yesterday and you were fifteen minutes late to school."

"I promise to be quick."

"Get up, Joi. What are you wearing today?"

She shrugged her shoulders and sat at the edge of her bed as she let out a big yawn. "Its your turn to choose." Shawn reached in her closet and grabbed a cheetah print dress and jean jacket.

"You cool with this?"

"Yes. Can you give me a high ponytail today?"

"Yeah, baby. Breakfast is on the table. Go eat and finish getting ready."

"Okay, daddy." Joi kissed her fathers forehead and made her way downstairs to eat her blueberry Eggo waffles that he prepared for her. They were out of the house and on the way to Joi's school within the next 15 minutes, where she played with her barbie doll the whole ride.

"You have a good day, you hear?"


"And be on your best behavior."

"I will, Daddy." She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled standing up and waved as she disappeared into the building with the other kids.

I headed off to the mall and decided to pick up a few things from Express and The Children's Place. After grabbing some lunch at Chipotle, I stopped by the grocery store and picked up some dinner for tonight.

Around 3:30, I went and picked up Joi from school where she stood outside with her two best friends, Amiah and Chris who are twins.

"Daddy!" My daughter shouted, jumping into my open arms.

"Wassup baby? How was your day?"

"It was good. I painted you a picture, it's in my bag."

"Thank you, Princess.." I kissed her cheek. "You ready?"

"Yes. Bye Miah.. bye Chris." She said as she waved.

"Bye!" They yelled back.

"What are all of these bags, daddy?"

"Just some stuff I got you."

"Stuff like what?!"

I chuckled."You'll see when we get home."

"Fair enough. How's Beyoncé?"

"I suppose she's doing okay. Why don't you ask her now?" I unlocked the front door and placed her things on her bed.

"Thank you so much!!" She gripped my leg and hung onto it.

I laughed, ruffling her hair. "No problem kiddo. Don't mess those sneakers up, aight?"

"Yes sir!"

"You hungry? I'm making burgers and fries."

"Mmm, my favorite!! Can I get in the bath?"

"Of course." I ran some bath water and helped her get in. "I'll be back in a few minutes, alright?"

"Yes." She said splashing the water in her face. I chuckled and began cooking dinner then came back up and helped her get dressed.

"Say your grace, Daddy." She said as we sat at the table.

"I did."


"A few seconds ago in my head."

"You have to say it out loud so God can hear you!"

I chuckled. "Alright.. I'll say it out loud." She nodded her head and looked down at her lap, patiently waiting. "Dear Lord, thank you for this food you've blessed Joi and I with. Please let it be nourishing to our bodies.. and please bless those who don't have anything to eat tonight. In Jesus's name I pray, amen."

"Now we can eat." She said with a smiled.

I laughed as she bent Beyoncés' legs and put a French fry to her mouth as if she were feeding her. Them two are inseparable. I hung her painting up on the refrigerator after eating, then made my way up to her bedroom as she lied down under her pink and yellow bedsheets. I knelt down beside her and tucked her in.

"You ready for a good nights sleep?"

"Yes." She yawned. "I'm esausted."

I chuckled. "Exhausted? Where'd you learn that word at?"

"At school." She smiled, gliding her tiny hand across my cheek. "Mrs. Moore taught us." I nodded my head and grabbed her wrist, kissing her knuckles.

"I love you."

"I love you too, daddy. Goodnight."

I pulled her door together and walked down the hallway to my bedroom. I peeled my clothes off from earlier and changed into a pair of basketball shorts before laying down and going to sleep. Tomorrow's a new day.



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