Chapter 22

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June 5th.
Four Seasons Hotel:

"Joi, open the door please." Shawn was holding a homemade strawberry cake and was struggling to get through the area.

"Okay, daddy."

He walked over to the table that sat beside the pool and placed it on the glass top. He had rented it out for the day for Bey's small baby shower which only consisted of him, Joi, Tyler, Crystal and her Mother. Shawn turned to the door as Bey came wobbling in and sat down in a chair.

He admired her blue and black dress along with her freshly done curls and smiled. 9 months pregnant and she still looked absolutely stunning.

"You alright, baby?"

"I'm out of breath.." She said with her hands on her knees. "This little girl is right up under my ribcage."

"Who's idea was it to have their baby shower two days before their due?"

"I thought you could have it whenever you wanted to!"

"You can, but not two days before! More like eight months."

"Why didn't you tell me that?!"

"I did! And you told me to shut up and mind my business before you shove a fork up my ass."

"I'm sorry Shawn, my hormones are doing flips."

"Its cool, babe. Where's Crystal?"

"She went to go pick up here Mom.. there was no room in the car. Tyler went to use the restroom."

"You left him out there by himself?"



"What? I couldn't stand up anymore. He knows how to read, he'll find us." Shawn shook his head and exited the room.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked over at Joi who was sticking her fingers in the cake. "What are you doing?" She giggled and ran over to me.

"It's good, wanna try it?"

"No thank you." I said grimacing.

"Why not? It's really good."

"Because first of all, you're not supposed to be eating the cake yet and you just licked all over your fingers. That's gross."

"We have the same germs."

"No we don't."

"Well you're having my baby sister, so now we do!"

"Not true."

"Um, I kiss Daddy, and you kiss Daddy! So yes, we have the same germs, BB."

"Stop being right." I said rolling my eyes.

"You better stop that before they get stuck."

"Don't jinx it. I'll throw you in that pool."

"You wish you could!"

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