"Now, I'm tired. Let's call it a day. Link me if you need anything…" Caden tapped his head.

From his yellow colour fur, he turned to a deep green and evened his breathing. By seconds, he dozed off, growling softly in his slumber. Jeremy shook his head slowly and got his towel.

He wiped his sweaty face and turned towards me. I gave him a small smile, and he grinned in return.

"Hey sis…" Jer smiled and sat beside me. He put a hand on my shoulder gently and I pushed him away, while scrunching up my brows at him.

"Eww…Jer, no. Go get change from those clothes, then you can cuddle up…" I pouted my lips while crossing my arms across my chest. He pinched my cheeks and left into the house. I was alone again.

Suddenly, Ally appeared from the trees and stopped when she saw me. I smiled and stood to embrace her, but she ran off inside. I froze, not able to move one bit. It hurt so much, a defeated tear rolled down my cheek.

I missed Ally. I wanted so badly to talk to her. I wanted to know what was she thinking, how is she? It just felt wrong to be this way.

I wiped furiously at my tears when Jeremy came up from behind me and held out a jasmine flower, my favourite on his hand. Being an Earth bender, it was kind of easy for him to access any flower, or plant that he wants.

That was so cool, and one of the reason why I wanted that element so Badly. I loved flowers, especially those beautiful jasmines.

"What's wrong sis? Come here…" he cooed in my ear.

He sat and pulled me next to him. I leaned on his shoulder and sighed. I couldn't stop the tears so I just let them. I smelled the jasmine deeply, and it eased up a bit.

"Come on, you can talk to me. What's the matter?" he tried to persuade me. I took a deep breath and told him,

"I missed Ally, Jer. She wouldn't talk to me for the past week. And, I wanted my soulmate, so badly. I didn't even get to see his face. This is so hard Jer. Is something wrong with me?" I looked up at his face, trying to search for an answer. But, I found nothing that can calm me.

He was rubbing soothing circles around my back and sighed. He held me tighter, and gazed deeply into my eyes,

"I know, and I'm sorry. I admit I don't know what it feels like, as I was yet to find mine. I can see that it's really fucking hard. But I can assure you, the next time I see him, I'm going to beat up some sense in him to realize how awful it is to turn down my cute little sister…" He teased. I chuckled and slapped his chest.

"Now, that's my girl. You're laughing again!" He grinned. I looked forward and gave it a profound thought.

Yes, that was true. This week, I just locked myself in my room and kept a straight face to everyone. Not Mom, dad and their Spectras were able to cheer me up. Hell, I didn't even smile back at them.

I looked back at him and placed a kiss on his cheek. He grinned, and I asked him a question,

"Are you okay, Jer? I mean, to not find your soulmate yet?" He created a distance so that he could look into my eyes again. His eyes flashed a bit of hurt, but regained its usual glow back. He smiled warmly,

"Nah, I'm fine. To tell you the truth, Caden and I did try to find them once. We travelled the whole US and still couldn't find them. Lastly, we just stopped. Not because we gave up on them, just hoping that maybe, it wasn't time yet. So yeah, we're cool. But one thing's for sure, as soon as I find her, I won't make her in a state like this" He brushed my hair and I know what he meant.

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