It was two days before his due date and I was scared more than ever.

Rubbing his feet as it became a hobbit for me to do it for him every day.

His feet were swollen and acheing and I wanted him to be comfortable.

"Help me up I need to go to the bathroom," he orders me.

It was nice to see this vulnerability to Jay, I wanted him to need me more.

I love his strength but I also wanted him to need me as well.

Helping him to the toilet, I take out his co*k and point it to toilet.

At first when he didn't want me to help him pee but I made it clear that the number of times I've touched, suck and got f*ck by this thing is innumerable.

So by now his co*k basically belonged to me and being mates helped as well now that he can feel my love for him.

"Jay are you okay," I asked him as I felt him in pain.

He was in pain and I could tell.

"Virgo the babies, I think I'm going into labour," he says with anxiety in his room.

"Okay Jay, I'll get you to the clinic," I tell him as I lift him into my arms and we excite the cabin Chester left in the care of Jay.

The pack house was still been rebuilt.

I was worried due to his condition that we wouldn't get there in time.

But bless the moon we arrived on time.

After getting to the clinic we got to the lift and went up right away we're meet my Olo who who brings us into the OR.

We both knew this was going to happen because he wasn't a wolf he couldn't give birth the regular way.

I didn't want to leave him, I wanted to be there for the birth of my pups, holding his hand.

Giving him all the strength he would need.

But Olo pushed me out of the OR saying he would need to go under anesthesia.

I was frustrating waiting outside, I was becoming paronioded as the seconds turn into minutes and minutes into hours.

Finally Olo came out smile, with hearing his news, I was affected my the cries that came flying out of the room.

"Congrats you have two sons Alpha," he says.

I knew I was having twins but I didn't know the genders.

Heading inside I see my two boys wrapped up in blankets.

One was dark while the other was paler that salt but they were mine.

Seeing my kids I made a vow that I'll be a great dad, and that I won't allow what happen to me and my brother to happen between my sons.

I'll make sure they get along and have a great bond.

Then I look over at my mate he just had a c-section And he'll be asleep for awhile.

Kissing his forehead, I tell him how much i love and thank him for giving me this chance to have another shoot of a loving family.

One month later.

"You take him," Jay begs me as Leo pees on him for the fourth time today.

He wasn't like most kids.

He and his brother Scorpio were both born in there human forms but one week later Leo transformed into a wolf .

And from then until now he hasn't shift back.

According to what K told me it was ok.

His son stanland is the same.

But that didn't stop Leo from giving all kinds of trouble with his new found mobility.

Peeing and pooping on his dad was one of his favorite things.

Scorpio on the other hand was and Angel, he behaved like any regular baby only crying when needing food or changing of his diapers.

"Why does my own kid hate me," Jay says to himself.

"The lad doesn't hate you, he knows your his mom, so he's marking you so other wolves will stay away," my dad says .

Yeah my dad finally awoke from his coma like state.

Mostly he stayed at the Lone star pack.

He had a new handle on life.

He only came by on Sundays with Texas.

"I'm his dad as well," Jay spurts out.

Which makes Texas, Pink, Brian, and my dad laugh out.

I wanted to laugh but Jay looked at me dearing me to laugh at him.

Knowing him if I did there wouldn't be any sex tonight.

And to be honest I don't know how long I could go with out his dic* or ass.

So I took our son Leo while he carried Scorpio and we sat around the table for family dinner.

Looking arround, I was happy to be eating dinner with my family.

Looking arround, I was happy to be eating dinner with my family

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Scorpio. & Leo.

Leo as a wolf

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Leo as a wolf.

What do y'all think.

This is the end for Bastard mate.

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Next up is Killeen  and Raynar.

In Mated to the Hybrid.

Mated To The Bastard (lone star pack 4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora