"Still. I apologise," You looked up at him and sent him an unconscious smile. You almost lost your focus as you stared into his blue-green eyes. "Have we met before?" You asked breathlessly.

"I don't think we have. Prince Loki of Norway." He smirked down at you.

"Countess (Y/N)," You smiled and tilted your head at him. "The prince of Norway? But you bear no accent." You pointed out.

"My mother was born here. England."

"Ah. I see. Well, my lord, how are you liking it in my motherland?"

"Much noisier than what I am used to."

"Is it the drunkards?" You asked playfully.

"How'd you know?" He asked with equal fondness.

"I read your mind, your Grace." You smirked.

"You wield magic?"

"Of course, I do. I am a witch after all."

The two of you chuckled together, still with formality as you were still on the dancefloor. "You know for a countess, you're terribly playful." Loki pointed out, still smiling.

"I have to stand out among the crowd, don't you think?" You smiled.

"Well it is nice to know you are not humorless like many ladies that are in position."

"And I you, Sir Loki."

"Is there anywhere that could give us privacy?" Loki asked as the band played the last note of the song.

"Yes of course, we could go to the gardens."

"That would be perfect, darling."

You led Loki off the dance floor and into the gardens just outside the main ballroom. It was not like you to entertain men as bold as this during an event but Loki was different. He played along. He wasn't overly serious for a royal. He wasn't a stuck up.

It was chilly outside and your gown was nearly backless. Loki noticed and offered his coat. "Please, I couldn't. I'm a countess, you're a prince. That would be very disrespectful." You shook your head.

"Status means nothing if you truly think about it dear. Please, take my coat. I have endured worse climates in Norway." He looked at you softly, before you nodded your head and he placed his dark green coat over your minty green ballgown. "Thank you. You're far too kind." You smiled up at him. He stiffened at the comment but still returned your smile.

"Tell me. Is it in your culture to court someone you just met?" Loki asked nonchalantly while the two of you were walking side by side.

"It is not so peculiar. May I ask why?" You got on to what he was doing, of course you played along.

"Well, I have a lady I would very much like to get to know better and perhaps court." He looked down at you with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

"Oh? You do? Pray tell, good sir."

"She's a countess."


"She is very beautiful, in my opinion."

"Oh?" You urged him on.

"And she nearly knocked the wind out of herself moments ago." Loki smirked at you.

"Is she also an army woman? Perhaps?"

Loki's eyes widened a tad, his mouth slightly agape. "You're not." Loki replied in disbelief.

"Been in the army for nearly 7 years, dear."

"You're toying with me." His eyes look gleeful, his tongue was betraying him.

"Ask the Queen." You raised an eyebrow at him, a teasing smirk finding itself on your lips.

"Maybe I should, if you keep on lying."

"Then I guess you wouldn't know that I'm a general then."

"Stop it now, my lady."

"I am serious, your highness."

"You are a greater woman than I initially thought." Loki stopped infront of you.

"That is debatable, my prince." You replied to him with a smile.

Shyly, Loki took your hand and placed it im between his, his thumbs unconsciously rubbing circles on the back of your hand. "Will you?" He asked knowingly.

"Will I what?" You teased.

"Will you allow me to court you, my lady?" Loki changed his demeanor completely and asked you in a serious but soft tone. His eyes searching yours for clues or reassurance.

"You're a prince. Shouldn't you ask for permission to your king and queen?" You asked, unsure.

"No, I need not do that," You still looked at him unsure, terrified of what the Norwegian king or queen would do to you for perhaps corrupting their prince son. "I have my ways, darling. You don't have to be afraid."

"If I say 'yes', do you promise to treat me as your equal and not as just a lowly wife if we are to be wed?"

"Of course. You are a woman of power and position. You are not to be meddled with, or they'd regret it." Loki strongly replied.

"I believe you," You reached up your free hand to cup his cheek softly. "Yes, you may court me," You smiled and kissed his cheek. "There's a very tall blonde man staring at us right now. I do not know what to do." You whispered in his ear.

Loki chuckled. "That is my older brother, Thor. I presume he already knows what is happening and I think I'll never hear the end of it." He continued.

You waved and smiled at him enthusiastically, Thor then gave the both of you a teasing thumbs up that made Loki roll his eyes. You laughed at their antics whilst Loki led the both of you deeper into the garden.

"Shall we talk over tea, sometime?" Loki asked politely.

"Why? What for? I've already accepted your proposal."

"My means to thank you for accepting me. Not many would take my hand in courtship back home, they prefer Thor over me." Loki replied solemnly.

"If you really want to, my dear, then yes I accept your invitation," You softly smiled up at him reassuringly. "It's their loss, dear Loki. Not yours." You teased.

Loki chuckled softly, "Indeed. They lost. I won, because no woman could ever be better than you."



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