Chapter 36 - What An Ending

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"What! You're pregnant!" I shout in shock. I cannot believe that River made Ayla pregnant and I can tell that she's not happy about that. I feel anger boil inside of me when I turn my vision to River.

"You cruel creature!" I scream and about to lunge for him, but Peter holds me back. "Don't, Anna! He has our daughter and he can do anything to her. We don't want to take that risk," Peter tries to calm me down, but it didn't work.

"And look at what he did. He impregnated our daughter, Peter!" I exclaim and he didn't say anything.

"Mother." I turn back to Ayla. "I'm sorry, Mother. I should've listened to all of you. I should've never fallen in love with him. I made a terrible mistake. I'm really sorry, Mother, but please, get me out of here." Ayla starts crying and my heart breaks apart.

"Ayla, your mother and I are going to bring you back, I promise. We won't let anything happen to you, okay?" Peter reassures Ayla and she nods at him.

"Wait, there's no fun in all of this. As you may know already that in its last chapter. It's about to end and it's because of my doing," River starts.

"Narnia is at its last stage?" Lucy asks in disbelief.

"Why of course!" He says excitedly and continues, "I do not care about So I thought that when I kill the Kings and Queens of Old, then why not wipe out the entire existence. Because none of you are going to be of use to me anyway."

"He's a psychopath," Emma whispers to Susan. "Tell me about it," Susan agrees with her.

"You would kill your people? Your army?" Edmund asks him.

"Yeah pretty much," River answers his question.

At that point, the citizens who were living in his kingdom have already gathered around to see what's going on and they were shocked to hear what River was saying about not caring about them and his plan of wiping out the entire existence. "What kind of king do you all have who doesn't care about your well being or existence? Do you all really want to live under his rule?" Caspian asks the citizens.

The citizens were talking amongst themselves and they looked doubtful whether they should live there or not. One old man came forward and walked over to us and stood in front of us. "Your majesties, I would like to live in your kingdom. If this man is planning on wiping out Narnia, then I would rather spend my last moments on the rightful side," the old man tells us.

"Or you can spend your last moments right now." Out of nowhere, River takes his bow and shoots an arrow at the old man, but before it could hit him, Adrian came in between and took the arrow for himself. 

"Adrian!" Emma and I yell in unison, but the arrow didn't pierce him, he catches it in his hand, thank god. Adrian looks at River with hatred and anger and before he could say anything, I come forward as I have an offer in mind.

"I have an offer, River," I start. "Anna, what are you doing?" Peter whisper-yell at me.

"Really? What is your offer?" River asks me. "I would like to have a duel.....with you."

"Oh?" He looks intrigued.

"Yes. I would like to have a duel and there will be no stages. There will be one stage and that is the first one, and the reward should be--"

"Total surrender? Just like the duel with Lord Miraz?" He guesses.

"Not total surrender. The reward should be.......death."

"Mother, no!" Ayla yells.

"Mother, what are you doing?" William asks me.

"Anna, don't do this. Let me fight him," Caspian tries to convince me. "Father, please talk to Mother. She'll listen to you," William pleads Peter.

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