Chapter 35 - We've Been Played

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"What? Peter, are you sure about this?" I ask him again, making sure that I heard him right.

"Yes, my love. Felix is River, our biggest enemy." I couldn't believe it. We've been played.

"Our daughter fell in love with the enemy. Peter, our daughter fell in love with the enemy. What do we do now? Ayla is in danger," I tell him.

Peter gets up after being completely recovered and looks at me with sincerity. "Don't worry, my love. We will get our daughter at any cost," Peter reassures me.

"If you live to get her." We look at the door and see River standing there, leaning against the doorway. Peter guards me by standing in front of me.

"River," Peter says with a drop of hate.

"So now that we know each other, there's no need for introductions. Why don't we hear out Ayla's request?" He suggests.

"What? Ayla's request?" I say with confusion.

"Yes, her request is that I come with her father back to her home, and here I am. Her request is that we both get married as soon as possible."

"I'm sure she has already found out who you really are. She would never give that sort of request," I tell him off.

"Oh please." He laughs and paces up and down. "Dear Queen Anna, we all know that Ayla is in love with me. She even ran away from home to be with me and marry me. What can you do? Would you go against the request of the princess of Narnia?"

"River, if you even lay a hand on her daughter, I will break your hands!" Peter exclaims.

"Relax, father-in-law. You have to get used to it. I'm going to be your son-in-law."

"How dare you!" I yell.

"Don't you dare move an inch," A sword appears by River's neck. The figure appears, revealing William.

"If you don't give my sister back, I won't hesitate to cut your head off," William says with a drop of hate. "You can't do anything, William," River retaliates.

"I beg to differ. Mother, Father, we must go ahead with the plan. This time, we won't threaten his mother since she is also in danger. We will threaten his first warrior, who is very dear to River," William suggests.

"You wouldn't," River spats.

"Yes I will."

"Who's his first warrior?" Peter asks.

"His elder sister, Raven. Raven has always stood beside River in all of his plans. Mother, you're Raven's biggest enemy," William reveals to me.

"Me? Why? I never met her before?" I speak the truth.

"I know, Mother. But she was very close to her aunt, Jadis. And she also thinks that you are the cause of Jadis's death. She is determined to kill you and avenge her aunt's death," He explains to me.

"I guess we're going to your home, River, to pay a little visit to your sister and bring my daughter back," I tell him in the face.

"Once she sees you, she won't hesitate to kill you," He tells me.

"I am sure she won't, and I don't want her to. I will give all that I've got. William, prepare for our army. We are going to visit the South Side of Narnia."

"Yes, Mother." William had a rope in his hands and tied River's hands and took him away. Peter and I go to the armory to get ready. The female soldiers help me get into my armor and Peter walked out, dressed in his armory. "Peter..."

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