Chapter 26 - The Blue Star and Ramandu's Island

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Drinian gets the longboats ready and me, Lucy, Emma, Gael, Rhince, Drinian and Reepicheep row back to the island as fast as we could. We get to the longboat and see the dragon and Edmund, standing next to it.

"Edmund!" Emma, Lucy and I shout in unison. He turns when he hears us and three of us hug him. "I'm alright," Edmund reassures us.

We separate from him. "I'll get rid of this beast!" I withdraw my sword and was about to strike and the dragon was about to advance on me, until Edmund steps in between. "No, Anna. Don't kill him. It's Eustace!"

"What?" Emma asks, sounding confused.

"Yes, it showed me itself. It wrote in fire 'I AM EUSTACE'," Edmund explains to us. I look at the dragon. "Eustace?"

"Then how did he turn into a dragon?" Lucy asks.

Eustace directs us to a gold bracelet that was stuck on its arm and explains as if he was tricked by something. "He must have been tempted by the treasure nearby," Edmund guesses.

That makes sense.

"Well everyone knows a dragon's treasure is enchanted," Caspian comments making Eustace glare. "Well anyone from here," He corrects himself.

Lucy goes over to Eustace and she holds out her hands. Eustace hops a couple of steps backwards and holds out his arm. Lucy yanks the bracelet off of his arm and he roars in pain.

"Is there any way to change him back?" Emma asks.

"Not that I know of." Adrian looks at me, Caspian and Drinian, and we shake our heads. Being Aslan''s children, I guess Adrian and I were expected to know what we could do, but we really didn't.

"Aunt Alberta will not be pleased," Edmund says and Eustace groans in frustration and defeat.

"Sorry about the hand, old boy. I can be a bit overzealous at times," Reepicheep apologizes to Eustace, but Eustace's response was a glare. Is that all he can do as a dragon? I think I liked him better as a boy.

"The boats are ready, Sire," Tavros tells Caspian. "We can't leave him alone," Lucy says.

"Well we can't bring him on board, your Majesty," Drinian tells her. "Drinian, you and the others take one boat back. The rest of us will stay here till morning and work out what to do." I tell Drinian and he nods. 

Caspian hands him over one of the old swords that we found. "But you have no provisions, and no means of staying warm, your Majesty," Rhince tells me out of concern.

Before I answer, Eustace breathes fire on a stick and everyone jumps in shock. I start to feel the warmth. "Uh you were saying?" Reepicheep says to Rhince and we all laugh.

We make our own sleeping arrangements and Caspian insists on having me sleep close to him as he had promised Peter that he would protect me. I lay down on my back, but I couldn't sleep. I  overhear conversations going on. Edmund and Caspian were talking about the constellations, Reepicheep was telling a story to Eustace, and Lucy and Gael were talking about their mothers.

I miss my mother. But mostly, I miss William and Ayla.

I feel a hand wipe a tear away and see Caspian. "Weren't you just talking to Edmund?"

"He slept off. He feels bad that he gave you this injury." He rubs his finger on the wound that was not there anymore. Once we got back to the ship, Lucy gave me her healing cordial and the would disappeared.

"Its not his fault. Its the effect of Evil. We're all being tested. We just need to find four more swords and we can conquer over Evil."

"I do hope so." He smiles at me and he goes back to his spot and falls asleep. I fall asleep thinking about Peter and our children.

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