Chapter 6 - I'm Home

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(Jamie Bell as Adrian)

Beaver leads to us an open area of the land and we see a red and gold encampment and many people walking around. Each tent has a drawing of a lion's head, symbolizing my father. I stop in my tracks as I look over the encampment and a smile grows on my face.

"Anna, are you alright?" I could hear worry in Peter's voice.

"I'm better than alright. I'm finally home," I tell him with that smile.

"But, you've been gone for 15 years. Do you think your father will recognize you?" He asks me.

"No matter what the child looks like, the father and mother would always recognize their child," I tell him and he smiles back as he receives his answer.

We hear a horn blown in a distance and we all follow towards it. Out of nowhere, Peter and I hold hands, but it felt right because it made me think that he will always be my side. The beavers walk beside us as we enter the encampment and animals of all kinds were making all sorts of weapons. Centaurs, fauns, cheetahs, and so many other animals stop their work and laid their eyes on us as we were walking down the path.

Some were whispering and pointing fingers at me and it made me think that they probably recognize me.

"Why are they all staring at us?" Susan asks.

"Maybe they think you look funny," Emma jokes with her sister. As we were walking down the path, the Narnians were following behind us with curiosity.

We reach the end at a big camp and there was another centaur that stood guard on the left of us and I recognize him immediately: Oreius. He was the one who taught me how to fight with all kinds of weapons.

Peter takes his hand out of mine and unsheathes his sword and raises it in the air, looking at Oreius and says, "We have to come to see Aslan." As soon as he requests to see my father, everyone behind us starts chattering.

Oreius looks toward the tent and all of a sudden, my heart starts beating rapidly. This is it. This is the moment where I get to see my father after so many years. I hear a low growl and everyone behind us knelt and Peter lowers his sword.

I see the paw peek out of the tent and a great lion walking out of the tent with pride.

My father, Aslan.

As soon as he came out of the tent, his eyes went straight to me and a smile grew on his face and one grew on mine as well

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

As soon as he came out of the tent, his eyes went straight to me and a smile grew on his face and one grew on mine as well.

He recognizes me. He knows who I am.

Along with my father, a young boy who was about two years older than Peter was walking alongside Father and I immediately recognize him to be my older brother, Adrian.

16-year old Adrian is a tall young boy with dirty blond hair, perfect brown eyes, and defined cheekbones. He was in a burgundy tunic with a button-up black vest on top and he had on brown pants with boots and of course, his sword on his left side, Soulblade.

Lioness of Narnia (Peter Pevensie Story; COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن