Chapter 2 - Welcome to Narnia

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I couldn't sleep that night as I kept thinking about what Emma and Lucy saw in that wardrobe. It's their first time in this house and they got to see my country in that wardrobe and whenever I tried, it never worked. Was there a reason? What is my father trying to do? 

I was brought off my thoughts when I hear a knock on my door. "Come in," I call out. The door opens, revealing Peter. "Peter? Is everything alright? Do you need something?" I ask him and was about to get out of bed when he motions for me to stay in.

"No everything is alright." He closes the door and sits at the foot of my bed, while I was sitting upright. "You looked like you were lost in thought when Emma and Lucy said that they found a world in a wardrobe. Are you alright?" 

His face was stricken with worry. I sigh. "I don't know. I was thinking about the wardrobe. Do you think there's a different world in there?"

"There can't be. Logically, it's impossible," Peter answers my question. In this case, it could logically be possible. "Yeah I guess you're right," I agree with him.

"Don't dwell on it too much. You get some sleep. Good night," He wishes me. "Good night." He leaves my room. I slid under the covers and close my eyes, hoping to fall asleep.

I was jolt awake when I hear voices and they sound awfully like Emma and Lucy. What's going on? Those two fight more than any other sibling. I get out of bed, put on my robe, and walk out of my room to where I was hearing the noise.

I walk into Peter's room around the same time Susan walks in. "Narnia was all in the wardrobe like I told you," Lucy says while she and Emma were jumping on the bed, waking Peter up. "You both must've been dreaming," Susan tells her overly excited sister.

"But we haven't. We saw Mr. Tumnus again and this time, Edmund went too," Emma blurts out and we all look at Edmund, waiting for him to speak up but his face expression showed that he was about to yell at her sisters. " saw the faun?" I ask Edmund and he looks at me and shook his head.

"Well he didn't actually go there with us," Emma says as she was getting off the bed and then turns to look at her twin brother. "He.....what were you doing Edmund?"

His eyes look from between Peter, me, and Susan. "I was just playing along. Sorry, Peter, I shouldn't have encouraged them. You know children act like these days, they just.....don't know when to stop pretending." Edmund comes up with a lame excuse just to upset his sisters, which he successfully did.

Emma and Lucy start crying and they both run out of the room. The three of us went after them and Peter pushes Edmund on his bed. Why would he do that to his own sisters?

I don't know why Susan stops at the doorway since Peter and I almost run into her and Peter almost lost his balance until his hands went straight to my waist to keep himself on his feet.

I blush when I feel his hands on me and he immediately moves them, but I was silently smiling to myself as I didn't mind. Emma and Lucy hug the professor and he looks at us.

"You children are one shenanigan shy and should be sleeping in the stable--" Mrs. Macready babbles on till she sees the professor and composes herself. "Professor? I'm sorry. I told them that you were not to be disturbed."

"It's alright, Mrs. Macready. I'm sure there's an explanation. But these little ones are in need of hot chocolate." The professor has Emma and Lucy be with Mrs. Macready and she takes them to the kitchen.

The three of us were about to leave until the professor clears his throat and we stop in our tracks and turn to face him. "Anna, go to your room and sleep." I nod and give a look to Peter and Susan, and they reassure me that everything will be fine. I leave and went to my room, climb under the covers, and went to sleep.

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