Chapter 30 - End of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader

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As soon as the wave closes, Adrian breaks in tears. He's in the same state as I was when Peter disappeared through the tree at the assembly at Caspian's castle and I understand his feelings.

I went straight to him and hold him in my arms. "Shh....Adrian." I hug him and he holds onto me.

"She's gone, Anna. I will never see her again," He wails. I didn't care that a small part of my shirt was getting wet because of his tears. All I knew was that my brother needs me more than anything.

Father walks over to us and strokes Adrian on top of his head. "I know, my child. This is not easy but sometimes we have to let go of the ones who we love the most," Father tells Adrian and he nods in understanding.

"Adrian, we must return," I say.

I help Adrian stand up and Caspian puts his arm around his shoulders. "I will see you back home, my children," Father disappears down the side of the waves. 

The three of us went back to the ship and tell the crew what happened. Some wailed when they heard that Reepicheep will not be coming back, but they knew that he was very lucky to see Father's country.

On the way home, the crew talks about many stories of the Kings and Queens of Old and they were all happy memories. They speak about the time when they entered in Narnia for the first time, thanks to Lucy.

We even talk about when they meet the beavers, Edmund traps in Jadis's clutches, meeting Father just to get their brother back, Jadis's treachery on the Stone Table, the war and the crowning. Some crew members also spoke about the time they met Caspian as a Telmarine and what we went through to get our kingdom back and have Caspian get his rightful throne.

Everything was going well. Caspian tells me and Adrian that he would like to stop at Ramandu's Island and we did. Adrian and I knew very well why and sure enough, Caspian takes Ramandu's daughter, Liliandil, onto the ship and makes an announcement.

"You all will very soon have a queen of Narnia. By the time we get back home, Liliandil and I will get married three days later!" Caspian announces and everyone cheers.

Adrian and I look upon them with smiles on our faces. "Do you think it will be easy for him to forget Susan?" Adrian asks.

"He already did, three years ago. And now, he's met someone who will be his companion for the rest of his life," I say. "You're right," Adrian agrees with me.


Three years later, we get back home at Cair Paravel and there was a grand welcome for us. The city was decorated in red and gold, the colors of Father's people. They were rejoicing and happy to see us back alive and well.

As we were walking back to the castle, I hear running footsteps. "Mother!" I turn around and see my 6-year old William and Ayla, running towards me. Tears fall down my face as I am delighted to see my twins.

I go down on my knees, outstretch my arms and hug them with all my might. It feels amazing to have them in my arms again. I open my eyes and see Mother walking towards us. We separate from each other. 

"William, Ayla, how are you? Are you both alright? You didn't trouble anyone, did you?"

"No, Mother. We were being very good children," Ayla says.

"Very good. William, were you taking care of your sister?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yes, Mother. I was being nice to her and protected her all the time," He told me.

"Even though I can take care of myself," Ayla argues and I chuckle at them. They are exactly like me and Adrian.

"Mother...." I get up on my feet and hug her. "Welcome home, my darling." We separate from each other and she kisses me on the forehead. "How was the journey?"

"It was good, Mother. I have a lot to tell you, but I am very tired from the journey. I would like to rest," I say and Mother lets me go.

That night, I lay in bed with William and Ayla sleeping on both sides of me. Caspian sits close to me on the bed, and he is reading a bedtime story to the twins. He smiles when he sees both of them asleep.

"They've gotten after you," Caspian says and puts the book down. "I do not sleep like that," I argue.

"Come on, Anna." I smile at him and keep stroking their heads. "I told Mother that I want to know if their favorites, likes and dislikes have changed. I know that I was doing my duty of a queen but I missed out some of their childhood. Now, I want to be with them." Caspian nods in agreement.

"Have you thought of telling the twins about Peter?" He asks. "Everyday. But they're too young. When they get a little older, I will tell them."

"Alright, you sleep. Good night," He says. "Good night." He kisses me on the cheek and leaves the room.

Three days later, Caspian and Liliandil get married in the wedding venue of Cair Paravel, the same place where Peter and I got married and when Adrian and Emma got married. It was difficult for Adrian and I to walk into that room because ever since we came back, we have never stepped foot into this hall as it brings back memories from our weddings. 

We wish that we never came out of the memory. Adrian and I did not go to the reception as it was too difficult for us and Caspian understood and did not force us. Every time I think about any wedding or reception, I think about Peter.

I just miss him so much and I wish I can see him again. There must be a way where he can come back and I can see him again.

What if there is a way? There has to be.

And that's the end of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Thank you everyone for giving much love. I don't know if the voyage took 3 years. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

The story is not over yet.

I take full credit of the fourth edition to Narnia. It does not relate to any of the books and its completely original.

I hope you all will really like it. Stay tuned!

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