Chapter 16 - Next Big Plan....Again

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I feel two people sitting on either side of me and sense Mother and Adrian. "Adrian told me what happened in there," Mother beings. I give a big sigh. "I don't know where to start."

"Just let it out," Adrian lays his hand on my shoulder.

"I didn't want this raid to happen because I was afraid that we would lose our troops and that is exactly what happened last night. We lost half of our troops and Peter made this decision without thinking it through. Did you know that he was actually considering of taking Jadis's help in defeating Miraz and his army? Does he not remember what Jadis has done to Narnia? To Father? To Edmund? To me? She almost killed me, Father and Edmund! He wasn't thinking through this at all! And on top of that, Peter is not the same person who I fell in love with and who I married to. He has changed. Last time, he was selfless and believed in Father. But now, he doesn't believe in Father and is trying to make all the decisions and have us work with it, when we all should be a team," I rant.

"I know that Peter made a rash decision, my darling. But there may be a reason why he is acting like this," Mother says.

"What could the reason be?" I ask. "You said it yourself," Adrian says. I look at him feeling confused. "What do you mean?"

"Peter is not a little boy anymore, Anna. He has grown. He just came into Narnia from his world and I'm sure that when he heard and saw what happened here, it might've made him feel guilty because he was not here when his kingdom needed him and his siblings the most..........when you needed him the most," Adrian explains.

He was right.

Peter must've felt guilty for leaving and that's why he is willing to do anything to give the Telmarines what they deserve and bring back our kingdom.

"Do you understand now?" Mother asks me and I nod. "Yes I understand. Instead of being upset with him, I should've comforted him. Because it really wasn't his fault. I know that he didn't leave on purpose. It just.....happened."

"Exactly, my darling. So what do you think you should do now?" Mother asks. I get up on my feet. "Talk to Peter."

Mother nods at me with a smile and so did Adrian. I leave them to look for Peter. I run into Edmund. "Ed, have you seen Peter?" I ask him.

"Yeah he's in the room where the Stone Table is. Is everything alright?" He asks.

"It will be now. Thanks." I pat him on the shoulder and walk towards the room. "Wait!" I stop when Edmund stops me.

"I want to make sure that you're alright," He says and I hear the concern in his voice.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean.....Peter was considering of taking the Witch's help, so I thought that might have been a turnoff for you."

It's kind of Edmund that he always checks on me to make sure that I'm alright. He is sometimes the mediator for me and Peter.

"To be honest, I was turned off by it. But, Mother and Adrian opened my eyes and now, I see the real reason behind Peter's behavior. And that's what I want to talk to him about," I tell him.

"Well that's good. I'll let you go then," He says.

"Thanks." I was about to walk away but I went back and hug Edmund. I think he was a little bit in shock because he hug me back right away.

"Thank you for always being there for me," I whisper. "Anytime, Anna."

I let go of him and give him a smile. I walk inside the room and find Peter, sitting in front of the Stone Table, looking at the carving of Father and Mother.

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