Chapter 34 - Our Enemy

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"It's like the Stone Table all over again," I say to myself.

"We will not give what she wants," Caspian announces. "Agreed," Peter chimes in.

"She's not exactly the person to sit and wait. She will strike," Adrian says.

"Well, we can't just sit here. We need to take action as soon as possible," Susan decides.

"I know what to do next. I am willing to sacrifice myself for my home," I say.

Peter sits next to me. "Anna, that is not up for debate. There is no way I'm going to let you do that."

"Peter, I'm not going to let Narnia go through another war again. Because of Jadis, Miraz, and whoever we've faced, we lost so many Narnians. I will do this to save my home and daughter," I decide.

Peter looks at me with worry and he knows that I was not going to change my mind. I would do anything to save Narnia and Ayla, and he knows that very well. I made up my mind and I'm going to keep it that way. 

I walk out of the room and went towards the study room and the others follow me. I reach the study room, take out a piece of paper and pen, and start writing.

"Wait!" I hear Liliandil stop me. "What if there was another way we can save Narnia and Ayla without you sacrificing yourself?" She suggests.

"Now, you're thinking of me," I push the point. "Anna, I know that I haven't been fair to William and Ayla and I am sorry about it. I just want to make everything right. If I had not said those things about Ayla, then she wouldn't have run off in the first place. I understand my mistake and I want to help. Please let me help."

Liliandil did feel sorry and it was genuine. I look at Peter and he nods at me, telling me to forgive her. I look back at her. "I forgive you." She has the biggest smile on her face. "Thank you, Anna."

"You said that there might be another way to save Narnia and Ayla without giving myself, right? What is that way?" I ask her.

"Anna, you have done this many years ago to save Narnia," She tells me and I look back in my head, to think when did I go through this.

And it hit me. She's right. "A duel," I remember. "A duel?" William says.

"Yes, at first, your father had a duel with Miraz to win our kingdom back, but he injured his arm, so I fought in his place in the second half of the duel and was able to defeat Miraz. But he was killed by treachery from his own side," I explain to him.

"Anna, there is no way I'm letting you fight against River. She could be more dangerous than Jadis," Peter sternly tells me.

"She is, Uncle Peter. She is the most dangerous person in all of Narnia. Many kingdoms have tried to defeat her, but instead she takes over them. Her final target is Cair Paravel," Rilian says and Caspian tells him to be quiet.

"Rilian, every villain has a weakness. I'm positive that River has a weakness," I tell him.

"If River has a weakness, how do we find out? We don't even know what it is," Emma says.

"I know," I say.

They all look at me. "What is it?" Edmund asks me. "Her son, Felix."

"Felix?" Susan says, confused. "Yes. A mother's child or children can be a strength and weakness for the mother. We just have to convince her for the duel," I tell all of them.

"And how do we do that?" Lucy asks.

All of us were quiet for a little while, wondering what we could do to. "I have an idea," Adrian announces. "What is it?" Peter asks him.

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