Chapter 5 - Since You Have Arrived

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We all wake up from a good night's sleep and start our journey to meet my father. I still remember what my father looks like but I'm sure that he's gotten a bit older now, not young anymore. My mother has shown me paintings of him when he was younger in his lion form and human form and I must say, he looked very handsome. My mother always told me that I have his looks and I'm just like him.

"Anna!" I hear Beaver's voice and was brought of my trance, realizing that I didn't even move from my spot and everyone else was ahead of me. They all were on the sturdy stone that formed into a bridge over the ledge. I catch up with the others.

I hold onto Peter's coat very tightly since we were high up. I am the princess of Narnia and also a warrior, but I have fears of my own. Peter takes my hand off of his coat and holds my hand in his. I smile, knowing that he won't let anything happen to me.

"Now, Aslan's camp is near the Stone Table. Just across the frozen river," Beaver points to the snow-white land and mountains. 

"River?" I ask in confusion.

"Oh the river's been frozen solid for more than a hundred years," Mrs. Beaver explains. 

"Unbelievable," I say quietly to myself.

"It's so far," Peter looks out over the horizon and the girls had fear written all over their faces.

"It's the world, dear. Did you expect it to be small?" Mrs. Beaver jokes with Peter. 

"Smaller," Susan comments and went ahead of us and we all follow her and I let go of the breath that I was holding while walking over the bridge.

Sooner or later, we are walking through a snow-white, open-wide, frozen river with trees around it and the sun was shining brightly in the sky, trying to melt all the snow. Except for the beavers, all of us were getting tired of walking and trudging in the snow for so long.

"Hurry up humans! While we're still young," Beaver calls out. 

"If he tells us to hurry one more time, I'm going to turn him into a big fluffy hat," Peter says as he gives Lucy a piggyback ride.

"Hurry up! Come on!" Beaver shouts again. 

"He is getting a bit bossy," Emma says.

"The sleigh behind you! It's her!" Mrs. Beaver shouts and we turn around and sure enough, there was a sleigh coming close to us.

"You have got to be kidding me," I comment and run alongside the others. It was hard to run because we were mostly trudging in the snow and taking big steps which made it harder to run. Susan grabs my hand and holds tight so that we wouldn't lose each other while Peter holds Lucy and Emma's hands.

We make it into the forest and Beaver finds a place for us to hide away from the Witch. "Inside! Dive!" He orders us and we all go underneath a big rock; it was like a small cave and we all were squishing each other so that our clothing could not be seen. I hear the sleigh stop and footsteps coming down from it and a shadow of the person was shown on the snow in front, making us all even more scared. The shadow disappears and the footsteps fade away.

"Maybe she's gone," Emma guesses.

"I'll go have a look," I say but Beaver stops me. "No. If it is her, you shouldn't be the one going up there. You're more important."


"For Narnia," He cuts me off and leaves. I hold onto Peter's coat as we impatiently waiting for Beaver to come back safely. Out of nowhere, Beaver pops his head upside down which made Lucy and Emma scream a little. "Come here! Come here! You lot better have been good because there is someone here to see ya."

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