Chapter 17 - The Duel

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Peter and Caspian add more things to the plan. There will be a duel between Peter and Miraz and during that time, Susan and Emma will take Lucy in the forest so that she can call out for Father and get his help.

Edmund left to give the message to Miraz along with one of our giants and Glenstorm. Caspian had Susan and Lucy ready and both of them left for the forest.

I was fully clad in armor for battle and see Mother clad in armor as well. "You're worried, my darling." I look at her and sigh. "Yes I am. If Miraz accepts the duel, what will happen to Peter?"

Mother tightens the belt of my armor. "Remember, my darling, before Peter was king, he was also a knight of Narnia. He fought in the great battle against the White Witch and that was not easy. He will be fine and victorious."

Glenstorm's wife trots inside. "Has Edmund come back?" I ask her. "Yes, your Majesty."


"Miraz has accepted the duel," She says and I allow her to go. Miraz accepted the duel. Oh god.


"I have to see Peter." I grab my swords and run out of the room and find the room where Peter is. I get there and see Caspian in full Telmarine armor, helping Peter in his Narnian armor. They stop when they see me.

"You're ready. I'll be outside," Caspian tells Peter and leaves. I walk in. "Peter--"

"I know what you're thinking, Anna. Nothing will happen to me, I promise," Peter says.

"Peter, you don't know that. If a man can kill his brother when he was asleep, then who knows what he can do to you," I express my concern and worry to him. I take his face in my hands. "Peter, you just came back to me. I don't want to lose you."

"You won't lose me, Anna," He says. "But more importantly, I don't want to lose you. Why did you make me write in the letter that if anything happens to me during the duel, you will fight in my place. You should've let Caspian do it."

"Because I don't want anything to happen to you. Plus, Miraz took our kingdom away, he kidnapped my mother and brother and he killed Oreius. I can't let him go that easy without fight," I explain to him. "I know, Anna, but--"

"Peter, I won't change my mind," I tell him. "And you shouldn't."

We see Adrian and Caspian standing in the doorway. "Don't stop her, Peter. Once Anna sets her mind on something, she will make sure to do it no matter what," Adrian says.

"He is right," Caspian agrees with Adrian. "Peter!" Edmund runs in the room. "It's time," Edmund announces.

Peter looks at me and I nod at him with a small smile. He puts on his helmet and I put on the two sword hilts on my back. Me, Edmund and Peter stand in front of the ramp leading to outside of the Howe and out on the battlefield.

"Are you sure you're ready?" I ask Peter. "I am sure." He looks at me and before we walk out, he gives me a kiss on the lips and I kiss him back. We separate him and give him a quick peck on the lips again and we walk out on the ramp.

We hear our army shouting and cheering as the four of us walk out and up ahead, Miraz was sitting in a chair with Lord Sopespian on his left and the General Glozelle on his right, holding a crossbow.

Miraz was clad in gold Telmarine armor and looks at us as we were walking close to him. I clutch my dagger in my right hand. He took over my kingdom, killed Caspian's father and the rest of our troops. I want to kill him, but I knew that we had to do this the right way.

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