Chapter 22 - 1st Narnian Sword

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We all have been chained to the wall for a while. "We have to escape," Eustace said. "And if we do, it won't take them a second to kill us," Emma tells his cousin.

"I'd rather much die than get kidnapped," Eustace complain. "Really? You don't know want to complain to the British Council?" I say.

"Anna!" Lucy said. "What?"

A bandwagon full with people that were in chains, went by and a man with a sword was jogging behind the wagon, and a young girl and her father were running after the bandwagon. The father made it the wagon and joined hands with a woman, who I'm assuming is his wife. The man with a sword tries to pry the father away, but could not. This time, more men came and separated the guy from his wife and pushed him away.

"Mummy!" the girl screams. "Stay with daddy!" the woman screams back.

"Don't worry! I'll find you!" the husband shouts.

The bandwagon keeps going and stops by the water. The men had the people sit in the boat and had the boat swim ahead in the water. The little area of the sky suddenly went dark and clouds became black, and they were hovering over the boat of people. Then after a while, the sky became bright with the sun blazing to the fullest. What happened to this people?

My thoughts were cut off when someone shakes me. "Anna!" It was Lucy. "We'll get out of here, will we?" I hold Lucy's hand in mine.

"Don't worry, Lu. We'll get out of here. I'm sure Edmund, Caspian and Adrian have thought of something but in the meantime, we have to do something. If not, I'm also sure that our men will get to us."

I remember instructing Reepicheep that if we don't get back by dawn, he must send a party and I am positive that he will send the men along with him. A man comes to us and has us all stand and follow him. This man takes us to an area where they were a lot of people fanning themselves. We all stand in front of those people and person who threaten to kill Eustace, were also there.

He is selling people to these citizens. After a while, me, Lucy, Eustace and Emma were left. They bring Lucy first. "Any bids for this lady?" The bidding starts. 

"100 for the little lady!" a bidder shouts.



"Anymore bids?" Everyone stays quiet. The man puts a sign around Lucy's neck "SOLD" and gets her off the pedestal. I try hard to contain my emotions before I make a mistake.

Someone bids me for 160 and the SOLD sign was put around my neck. If I could, I would take this rope of the sign and strangle this man.

"And now for this fine specimen." The man has Eustace stand upon the pedestal. "Who'll kick off the bidding?" No one says anything.

"Come on, now. He may not look like much, but, uh he's strong," the pug says. "Yeah he's strong alright. He smells like the other end of a minotaur," someone says and the crowd laughs.

"That is an outrageous lie! I won the school hygiene award two years running," Eustace defends himself. "Come on. Someone take the bid." The pug tries to urge the crowd.

"I'll take them off your hands." A man in a blue cape with face covered walks forward. Reepicheep?

"I'll take them all off your hands." The man takes off the blue cape. It was Drinian! With Reepicheep on his shoulder. "For Narnia!" Reepicheep screams and withdraws his sword. Other people came in blue capes and there were our men and a fight breaks out.

Reepicheep comes over to me, Lucy and Emma and frees us. "Thanks, Reep. I knew you'd come," Emma says.

"Your Highness! Yah!" Reepicheep bows and hits someone in the hand with his sword. I free myself and a man grabs me from the back by my arms. Before he could do anything, I elbow him in the stomach and turn around to face him even though he was bent over. He throws a punch at me, I catch it, throw it back, and throw him over my head and he lands on the ground in pain.

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