Chapter 4 - He is my Father

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I hear a wolf howl in the distance and realized that trouble is on its way. 

"The Witch sent her wolves after us. We need to go now!" I grab Lucy's hand and we all run back towards the Beaver's house. 

"But how does she know where we are?" Emma asks in panic while holding Peter's hand.

"Edmund probably told her," I say. We make it to the Beaver's house but we could still hear the wolves howl far away. Beaver opens the door and we all walk inside and close the door behind us. 

"Hurry mother, they're after us!" Beaver tells Rosy. 

"Oh right then." She understood what he meant but then she starts to gather and packing food from the kitchen.

"What's she doing?" Peter asks and Beaver rolls his eyes. 

"Oh, you'll be thanking me later," Rosy says as she starts packing and Susan and I went in to help her. "It's a long journey and Beaver gets cranky when he gets hungry."

"I'm cranky now!" Beaver shouts. 

"Quiet! Otherwise, they'll know where we are," Lucy says. "Lucy, they already know where we are, thanks to Edmund," Emma says the last part quietly.

"Do you think we'll need jam?" I ask Rosy. 

"Only if the Witch serves toast," Peter jokes. 

"You're joking around at this critical time?" Susan scolds Peter. 

"Can we not start another fight right now, please?" I stop their fight from escalating.

I hear wolf growls from outside and sticks breaking as they were trying to claw their way in. "Quick this way," I tell them all. I knew my way around Beaver's home and lead the siblings and beavers down the hole and to the tunnel and we all run. Peter grabs my hand in his left and his right hand held the torch for us to see where we were going. Susan holds a candle in her right hand and the other hand was holding Lucy's place. Emma was in front of us with Beaver.

"Badger and I dug this. Comes out right near his place," Beaver tells us. "You told me it led to your mum's!" Mrs. Beaver says and Lucy trips over something and Susan and I rush to get her on her feet, until we hear wolf barks. "They're in the tunnel," Emma whispers.

"Quick! This way." We all run faster until we came to a dead end. "You should've brought a map!" Rosy tells her beaver husband.

"There was no room next to the jam." Beaver jumps up into a hole above and we all follow after him. We all went up with Peter coming up last and, he and Beaver move the barrel to cover the hole and hear Lucy scream and see that she tripped over....statues of small animals. It was sad to see what the witch did to these poor animals. They tried to save themselves but in vain.

Beaver walks up to a frozen badger with tears in his eyes. Rosy Lee stood behind him. "I'm so sorry dear," Rosy Lee comforts him.

We look around and they were more animals that became statues. "Why would she do this to them?" Emma said. 

"What happened here?" Peter asks sternly.

"This is what becomes of those who cross the evil White Witch." Out of nowhere, a fox comes out of hiding and all the girls hid behind Peter. 

"You take one more step, traitor, and I'll chew you to splinters," Beaver went up to fight against him when Rosy tried to hold him back.

"Relax, I'm one of the good guys," the fox says. 

"Yeah? Well, you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones," Beaver says with anger. 

"An unfortunate family resemblance, but we can argue about the breeding later on. Right now, we've got to move now." We hear wolf barks in the distance.

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