What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXVI...

Start from the beginning

Vamps do tend to be, at times. Not having steady employment opportunities.

When she came to him, she no doubt had heard he was making out as a producer...

Besides, you staked her the night she showed up at your door, she eyed him. Hardly a deep romance...

"Well, anyway, I'll deal. She might really be a reporter anyway. I'll let her get her story out if she is, then take care of her. With empathy, Saul." To his stern, somber look.

"So?" she eyed him. "You didn't come here to save me from the foul creature of the night...?"

"Things have played as we hoped. Simon the Devious is interested in you." He noted. "He called and asked if I was planning anything new for you. And he called your agent. He wants an interview."

"At last...You must be thrilled." She frowned.

"It was why we brought you here." He nodded. "Devious isn't easy to get at."

"He's just another bloodsucker." Frown. "Open a window, shove a stick, end of problem."

"You get too cocky, girl. You're good, one of our best...But you're not the Slayer, nor are you the best."

"Good enough for your crew, Saulie." She glared. "And lets remember just whose great-great-great granddaughter I am."

You're not the Slayer...Haven't I heard that since I was twelve and told about my Destiny.

Screw her, supergirl with demon extra, I bet I could match her vamp for vamp...

"That counts but you've played that card one too many times. You have your assignment. Do your job."

"Don't kill him? Just find out what his game is with those special candidates?"

"Right. Get close and find out. We believe from our friend and your ancestor he means to interfere with us. He hates them and wants to thwart their Redemption."

"So...Lets finish them and send them off to Heaven." She frowned.

"It's not their Time yet. They have to be taken at the right time, you know that." He shook head.

"Fine. Lets do another 'Dracula'. But what about me and my career? You people have made promises to me. And been slow to keep them. I was supposed to be out of this several jobs ago."

"I can't help that. Take it up with your ancestor."

"Funny. You know he's never spoken to me, direct. And you never let me in to see him when he does to you or the Doctor."

"We never know when he'll contact us." Saul frowned. "But he must approve whom he'll speak to in any case."

"And it seems, despite all my work for his cause, I'm not worthy."

Why? Why won't you speak to me, Grandfather plus 5? How have I failed? Too full of myself? Too unwilling to completely dissolve my existence in the Cause? I never condemned anyone. I've saved hundreds of condemned people and protected maybe millions. Why? Cause I'm afraid to die? Afraid to get old when I see there are ways around falling apart into a shallow grave? Your pal the Doctor is still alive and hearty...Why is it too much for me to want to live and remain young? I don't say I wanna be a vamp and kill people...She looked at the mirror, searching for lines.

"No one's ever said that. The jobs you've been given speak for themselves. You've gotten most of the toughest, no question."

"And gotten damned little in return except a chance to make money for you and them." She gave a sour look in the mirror.

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Where stories live. Discover now