19; NEWS

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Yibo was laughing his ass off when Zhan told him what happened between him and his dad. He couldn't believe Zhan could say such vulgar words, because he never heard Zhan curse. Well, he remembered when Zhan mouthed the word 'fuck' before but never actually heard him say such words.

"You actually cuss in front of my dad? Really?" Yibo said as he clings more at Zhan while they were lying on the bed.

Zhan just nodded and chucked at Yibo.

"Why? You mad?"

Yibo shakes his head side by side, "I'm actually proud and very thankful of you my Zhan, you didn't choose to be swayed by my dad"

"Why would I?"

The two spend an intimate night together just to be welcomed by news the next day. The first person who saw the news was Yibo. He couldn't hide his anger. He thinks that how can they sink so low to come up in this kind of plan just to separate them.

Zhan woke up without Yibo on his side, he looks for Yibo and found him in the living room look so serious.

"Bo? What's the matter?"

Yibo slowly looked up to him without any emotion.

"There's a news again, about you... and... about me"

Zhan dropped his jaw upon hearings Yibo's words. Did they just found out about Yibo and Zhan?

"It's not exactly what's your thinking. Here is the news about me" Yibo handed the phone to Zhan to read the article.

The article was published on the Blue Light's page itself that says,

Blue Light Automotive Corporation and Fast Race Asia as One.

BLMR Team member and CEO's son, Wang Yibo, and Fast Race Asia CEO's daughter, Yu Qi will get married before the end of the year.

Zhan was stoned standing in dazed, he couldn't comprehend anything he just read. Yibo also doesn't have a clue on what on earth is going on. He doesn't even know who's the girl on the article released by Blue Light itself.

Yibo held Zhan's hands and caresses and kissed it.

"Believe me, Zhan, I don't have any idea about that. I just woke up with that news and I would never get married if you're not my bride"

Zhan just smiled bitterly, but he knows Yibo wasn't lying. He pretty knows that there are people that will do everything just to separate them.

And it's clear for him this is Yibo's dad doing. Who could have access to the main page of Blue Light? And he's sure it's not Haikuan.

"I know it's not you"

Yibo grabs his phone at Zhan's hand and swiped it and give it back to Zhan again, "Here's the news about you"

Zhan knows he needs to hold himself, as Yibo has said he also has news.

Xiao Zhan and Xue Yeri confirmed to be dating and expecting a gift.

Xue Yeri herself just confirmed her relationship with Xiao Zhan and she's pregnant with Xiao Zhan's child.

"The only thing I did with her was to hold her hands, how come she's pregnant with my child?" Confuse Zhan said.

Yes, he's close with Yeri but he's not touchy with her. And making her pregnant? That would never happen. Impossible.

"If I can just get pregnant, I'm probably been carrying Yibo's child for months now." Zhan murmured but still enough to be heard by Yibo making him smirk.

"Let's fix this together ok?"

Yibo cupped Zhan's face and kissed him on the lips. Zhan just nodded and returned the kisses.

AFTER talking about the matter they have decided to face what is the source of all this fuckery. They both came to Blue Light to face Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang wasn't surprised to see them, he's actually waiting for them.

"Son it's good to see you're healthy."

Mr. Wang said while leaning his back to his swivel chair and crossing his arms, completely ignoring Zhan's existence.

"Dad I told you didn't I? I will never leave Zhan, and what is that fucking news you just released huh"

Mr. Wang stand up from being seated, "I also told you didn't I? If you won't choose, I'll choose for you. So, here you go" and open his arms.

Rage flow in Yibo's system, he just wants to beat his dad and forget about the talking. He has never been close to his dad from the start so he really doesn't mind being disowned if ever.

"Ok then, let's cut our ties here, I am no longer your son, and you are no longer my dad. How about that? Will you stop butting in my life? And I'll never marry anyone except Xiao Zhan"

"Yibo!" Zhan said.

He was shocked at Yibo's declaration. Yes, he wants to be accepted by Yibo's dad but doesn't want Yibo to be disowned. Yibo tightens his grips on Zhan's hand and look at him into his eyes.

"It's ok," said Yibo as he kisses Zhan into his lips in front of his dad.

Zhan couldn't understand why Yibo has this kind of hobby. Kissing him in front of their family members.

Yibo released Zhan and walks towards his father, "and I also quit from being a part of your team, Zhan also won't renew his contract with you and please don't show me your face ever again" Yibo firmly said. Leaving his dad with a jaw dropped.

"If you leave this room, I'm telling you Yibo, I'll grant your wish, you are no longer my son and you will also receive none of my wealth," Mr. Wang said with heavy breathing because of rage.

Yibo looked at his father, "So, be it"

He grabs Zhan's wrist and leaves the building. Zhan is still confused about what's happening. He doesn't understand why Yibo needs to do that. He thinks Mr. Wang really goes overboard disowning Yibo just because of their relationship.

This gives him more reason to protect and take care of Yibo in any way possible. He cannot bear to see Yibo suffer just because he chooses him over everything. I mean, Yibo is a son of a multi-millionaire and he turns his back on that because of him.

"How did you plan to solve your issue? I mean dating rumors are easy to deny but pregnancy tho?"

"Don't worry I already have a plan Bo"

----------------------TO BE CONTINUED.

Messy chapter, I know and I'm so sorry <(._.)>

I've got a problem with my PC, my files were all saved there so the update really took long. I update this chapter using my phone😭 I don't think I can update as long as my PC is down. I really want it to get fixed but the thing is we're still on lockdown o(╥﹏╥)o

But I'll try my best to update, I'm just not really used writing on my phone, but as I just said. I'll try my best to update ('._.').

Plus, I think I'll add a couple more chapters before the last chapter

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Plus, I think I'll add a couple more chapters before the last chapter. Maybe 2 or 3 more chapters I think? Please please stay with me until the end (ಥ_ಥ)。

And thank you all so much for the continues support and love for this story. Thank you so much ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑!

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