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"Xue Yeri and Xiao Zhan Confirmed to be dating. Spotted at a coffee shop being intimate"

The news really shocks Yibo and it's good that Zhan is in his side when the news blows up. But that doesn't mean that he's fine with it. Yibo is still young and can easily be controlled by his emotions rather than be rational in a situation like this.

Zhan takes a deep breath and looks at Yibo on his side, "You know it's not true, right?"

Yibo formed a side smile and nodded, "Of course"

"Well, this isn't the first time I got rumored with someone, so just don't mind it and don't think about it too much alright? It's part of my job. and why would I date your ex?"

Yibo got knockback to his sane after hearing Zhan's words, coz why would Zhan date a girl that made him cry all day long.

Yibo tacked Zhan on the bed and locked him inside his arms. Zhan didn't fight back and just let Yibo do what he wants. Yibo buried Zhan's head to his chest and hugged him tightly.

ON the other hand, Xue Yang just read the article about his sister and Zhan so he quickly goes straight home to find Yeri. He's still gasping when he saw Yeri at the garden of their house.

"Yeri when did you get close with Zhan?"

Yeri just looks at his brother puzzled and confused. Yang never asks her about her friends or workmates. This is the first time.

"Almost 3years ago? Why?"


"We enter showbiz at the same time, we work together in the past, we're in the same entertainment company and he's going to be my leading man for my upcoming movie. Why are you so interested in him?"

Yang didn't know that his sister is that close to Zhan. Maybe he can use it as a reason to see and be close with Zhan even more. Yang knows from the very start that he likes Zhan and the only thing that stopping him to make a move is Zhan's sexual orientation. What if he finds Yang discussing and avoid him?

But seeing Yibo, his mortal enemy, become so close with Zhan boils his blood to the fullest. If Yibo can do it, he knows he can do it better. But the article is still bothering him.

"So are you dating Zhan?"

Yeri gives him a shocked face and what-the-fuck look.

"Date Zhan? What kind of pot are you smoking to be that high? Why would I date him, he's my friend and I'm not yet over with Yibo"

Yang nodded repeatedly and smiled like an idiot. Yang also shows Yeri the article and Yeri just laugh and said it's not true and being rumored with someone is pretty much normal in the line of their work.

"So you're just close with him?" Yeri nodded, "Can you do me a favor?"

ZHAN and Yibo just finish discussing the matter and currently busy cuddling each other when Zhan's phone vibrates, he receives a message from Yeri. When Zhan checks his phone Yibo was also looking. Yibo's look chance and his pissed.

Xue Yeri

Hello Zhan Zhan, you see the news? My management team wants to talk to both of us about the matter can you come to this location xxx-xxx-xxx? I have a shoot here I can't leave. That's all take care ❤.

"Will you come?" Yibo said

"Let me ask my manager first"

Before replying to Yeri, he consulted his manager first. His manager said he doesn't see any reason to declined and this also to clear both of their names, so he advised Zhan to go. Yibo got annoyed more, he wanted to come along but Zhan didn't let him.

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