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Another day, another race, another win, another trophy. The day started great for Blue Light Motorcycle Racing team as they win again a major competition, this is their 3rd major win this year. Not to mention this is only for the first quarter of the year.

BLMR Team is considered one of the greatest racing team, they produce the 2 legendary racers of Asia, Wang ChiRo and Wen Chao. And now they are about to create another history by producing a new star racer Wang Yibo.

"Let's have a toast for our team" Said Haikuan, the current Vice-chairman of Blue Light Automotive Corporation. While celebrating Haikaun noticed that the star of the team is missing. He tried to look to the whole place and also called him multiple times but he gets no answer. He just let him and thinks that he got home after the race.


My head hurts and everything around me is spinning, my eyes are blurry and I don't think I can stand up without falling. But I got no choice but to try to stand up so I can get out of this place. So I did stand up and slowly walking towards the exit. I'm drunk and tired, I want to go home. But some bullshit won't allow me to have peace.

This idiot in front of me dumped me and now he's cursing at me?

"It is your first time in this kind of luxurious place? Fucking look at your way, you don't know who's in front of you dumbass"

I am fucking Wang Yibo, no one can talk shit about me and gets away with it.

I look at him in his eyes slowly and give him a smirk, I tilted my head to the rights but still looking at him and put my both hands on my pockets.

"Yeah, you don't know who's in front of you" once again I smirked then a chuckle escapes on my lips. I bit my lower lips before taking two steps towards him.

He sight, "I see" He nodded, "Your still young, full of energy, full of pride, full of idiocy. Let me tell you, kid, I can ruin your life, your whole family's life and every single person around you. Apologize or you will see hell"

This time I didn't just chuckle a lil'bit, but I laugh so hard because of what he just had said. Seriously? He will ruin me and my family? This man unbelievably doesn't have any clue who I am. Then I should introduce myself.

"Die motherfucking" I said in calm yet full of authority then give him a demonic gaze.

I give signals to the guards and they quickly hold the moron.

"I am Franco Elizalde, you can't do this to me. He's just a mere peasant!" The guy told the guards.

Hmm, Franco Elizalde.

"Well Mr. Franco Elizalde, I am Wang Yibo." I look to the guards "Take him"

I see the fear in this guy's eye when I mentioned my name. Well, who wouldn't be in fear if they ask for a fight on the wrong person?

Do you think I am just a racer? Tsk.

I am the second son of the owner of Blue Light Automotive Corporation. Wang Yibo.


Clearly, Yibo wasn't joking when he said those words, he is deadly serious that the man will die. Yes, not physically but in all aspects, he can. He will no doubt send the man straight to the boiling lava of hell and let him feel all the pain known to man.

As soon as he handle the man, like dissolving his contract to his investors, giving warning to other companies to not help that man, and hired someone to expose all his transactions. Yibo went home as nothing happened.

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