Chapter Twenty Seven

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I walked through the woods  slowly mumbling a song my adopted mother used to sing to me ."Why do wanna fly blackbird you ain't never gonna fly .There's no place big enough to hold those tears you gonna cry .Your Mama's name is lonely and you Daddy's name is pain .Blackbird your ain't never gonna fly",

I sit at my regular peaceful spot where  I would normally go to free my mind .

I linger my mind on everything wondering how my life would have been if I was a normal child or even a normal wolf .

I sigh picking up a stick from beside me drawing my name in the scattered leaves on the ground .

Malia Hall.

Is my name really Malia Hall?.Like how my parents wasn't my parents .What about my real dad ?.

Where is he and what is he doing right now ?.

Errrr. I just feel like screaming  .

"Malia ,I have been looking all over for you",Josh brings me back to my senses preventing me from screaming.

"You scared me ",I lied.

"Why did you wonder so far ?",he asked sitting down beside me.

"Ion know ,I just need some alone time",.

"With out me ",he tried to be funny.

"I was just thinking about some things",.


"What would it feels if i wasn't a ware wolf or if I was a normal wolf??.Would my life been a lot more different ?.Would people actually likes me instead of fearing and hating_",.

"Malia please stop", he cuts me off.

"You are perfect the way you are .Do not think what others might say or how they might act .Your mom and brothers loves you ", he hold onto my hands looking into my eyes as he  comforts me as always.

I sigh .
"I love you Malia",.His words caught me off guard .Was he referring this to me as sympathy or did he mean it ?.

I don't think he does .

"I got something to tell you ",he adds.

I shake my head and cleared my throat "What's that?", .

"I once have a girlfriend special like  you .She didn't have any special powers but she was special in my sight .She was alot silent like you and you remembere me alot of her because she died .The hunters killed her Malia ",he continues. I see a tear run down his cheeks .

"They tortured her .It's like I could have felt her pain .I searched for her day and night but couldn't find her scent no way but I stopped the day I found her body on the main road all bruised up .She was drained and decomposing .I cried nights and days for her knowing that I wasn't there to  protect her and I won't let that happen to you ' he cups my cheeks .'I am going to be here for you no matter what _",.

"Josh ' I cuts him off ' I am so sorry about your girlfriend and I am great full for you in life .My life has been a mess since the day I found out that I was a silver wolf and the only person that has been here for me is you ,my mom and my brothers. If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have made it this far ",.

"Am I monster Josh ,so thank you", I told him and his body tense up.

The tense between us so deep .I could not read his mind but I could see that he was pouring out everything that's inside him. I was so lost in his eyes .

"You aren't a monster Malia and you will never be ,you can always used your powers for good",

"But... what if i wasn't meant to do good ? ",I sob.

"Sshhh", he tries to hush me up tilting his head forward .

"I see good in you ....",his words lift my spirit .First from ever since I was feeling this welcomed .I could not control my emotions but to just lean in and kiss him.

Once I realize what I was doing I pull back "Why did you stop? ",he asked resting his hands on my thighs .

"Ion know ",I said moving my shoulders up then down.

He leans back in looking deep into my eyes .The feeling of his warm breath on lips.
"I don't know how to kiss",.

"It's okey",he shut me up pressing his lips against mine .I follow his lead kissing him back.

I don't know when two persons kissing ,how should it feel ?but this is awesome .

His hand reached up my clothes touching my bare skin and I flinched .

He pulls away from me immediately "I think I should stop and I am sorry ",.

"Sorry for what ",I try to catch back my breath .

"For touching you ",.

"It okey .It's just that I don't know alot about relationships",.

"Relationship ?",he asked confused.

"Am sorry ",I told him pushing my hands in my jeans pocket.

"We should go it's getting late ",I sigh walking off.

We walk back to the house silent and he push the front door open.

"Where were you Malia? ", .

"I was just clearing my mind Derek",.

"I was so worried .You can't just go out without telling anyone .Damn Malia",he raised his voice.

"You know what Derek am just so sick and tired of you guys telling me how to live .Y'all just act like you care and deep down I know none of you do . Y'all just trying to use me .All anyone of you see is negativity and death in me nothing else so leave me the hell alone!!",I screamed at them in tears .

I need to stop crying when am angry .

"Malia please stop ,"Josh approach me .

"Just leave me the hell alone Josh!!.I try so hard and it's never enough",I scream and run up to my room.

I slammed my door and drop my body across my bed .My head tucked into my thick blankets .

I was get any but I try to calm down .I know what happens when am angry.

I want to scream .It was at the tip of my tongue .I want to let it out but I could not .

This is the reason everyone is afraid of me.

"Try and calm down malia ", I mumbled to myself walking towards the door.

I starts to breath heavily .My chest tighten up . I can't breathe . I need to scream.

"Malia we need to talk ",Josh knocks on the door.

"Josh ' I squeeze out falling to my knees ' help me ",.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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