Chapter Eight

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Prince POV

This girl has been out for like ever. It is now mid night and she did not even move a muscle .

I do not know why she has to be in my room ,out of all the rooms in the house .The house was a pack house so it was huge .I am so praying for her to wake up so I could throw her out .

I walk to the door to go get something to drink and stops in my movement at the sound of the shifting on the bed.

I turned around to see this wild girl looking me.

"Who are you ?What happened?. Where am I ?",she asked me freaking out .She's kind of cute .

"It's ok .I wont hurt you ", I said to her . Wait did I just say that to her.

"Do not come closer .Stay away from me ",she warned me as I slowly steps forward.

"I won't hurt you ", I told her. Errr, why is my wolf controlling me .She need to get out of my room right now. I do not have time for hushing a baby.

She fled from the bed and try's to hide herself in a corner .She seems like she wanted to burst through the wall.

"Stay away from me please. I do not want to hurt you ", she whispered in fear.

"You won't hurt me ", I assure her .

"Look at me .Trust me ", I continued.

"No " she raised her voice in fear and started to trembled .

"Please "I asked her and she slowly turn around as our eyes met .

My heart felt like it went off on a rocket as I felt butterflies in my belly .My wolf roared inside of me.

She stared at me and I stared back at her .I keep my eyes connected with hers as I stretched my right hand out to her.

She slowly stretched back out her hand in reaching with mines. Her eyes never left mines.

I felt a electrical shock flow through my body as her hand touched mines and I sense that she felt the same thing too.

I pulled her up off the ground and catch her into my arms when she almost fell. Her head was firmly against my chest as I take in her scent .

Awkwardly I felt her hands around me and I slowly place mines around her body causing her body to stop shaking .

"Your safe", I whispered above her head.

"Malia. My name is Malia", she mumbled .

"I am Prince", I told her .

She removed her head from my chest and stared back into my eyes.

I couldn't read her mind because she was not apart of my pack .

She smiled at me and before I could smile back her knees meet my seedlings and I feel to the floor.

"Stay away from me Prince", she told me and runs through the door.

I let out a angry roar and fled through the door.

I am going to kill her. She won't get away .She do not know this house and I have her scent .

Running through the halls I sniff her scent .I know where she is and she is stuck. Reaching her trying to get through a sealed window in the basement I cleared my throat .

"Trying to get away huh ", I told her and she stared at me.

"Just stay away from me please ", she warns me again.

"You do not know who am I ", I laughed.

"I do not care .I do not want to hurt you ",.

"You can not hurt a alpha", I told her .

"What's an Alpha ?", she asked confused.

"That's soft shit can't work on me again ", I told her giving her a slap across her face.

She screamed as the hit stung her face . My eyes met hers and I am sure they changed colours.

She take steps backward from me with her hand on her cheek .

"You hit me", she told me .

"Stay away ",she warned me.

"What are you gonna do ?", I asked her.

"Stay away !! ", she screamed at the top of her lungs .

My hands flickered to my ears as the noise hurt them so badly . The glass in the windows started to fall to the floor .The screamed echoed through my ears causing me to kneeled to the floor.

"What are you "? I thought to myself.

Seconds later the screaming stop and I look up to see if the weird creature was there.

She was there standing on top of glasses but could not move as her right foot got a major cut on it . She was bleeding badly .

"What was that ", my mom barged into the room asking in fear .

"Oh my God ", she yelled as she look at Malia and the major cut on her foot .

"Help her now ", she ordered two men to do and they did not hesitate.

I removed my hand from my ears and cough when I saw blood was all over it .

What is she?. Is she different from us .I need to find out more about her .

"You will be ok", she told me as a man passed me with her .


In the room I watched as they hold down her body to remove the glass from her foot .

She screamed in pain .I wonder how is this possible .Was her screaming different or something .Now she is screaming and no alien shit happened .

Finally they took the glass out and blood flowing out rapidly .

"She's loosing too much blood "my mom told us as she tries to tie a belt around her foot.

I look at Malia and she was in deep pain .She closed her eyes and I could see it was getting to her but what I saw was amazing . Her wound closed up .

"Did you do that ", I asked her in shocked then my eyes look at everyone else who was shocked as me .

"I guess so ", she told me.

"I learned to do it after my parents died ", she continue.

"So you have no parents ", I asked confused.

"No they got killed because of me I think ", she told me sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Can you tell us more about your self ",my mom asked her.

"I would like to but I need to go . I can not stay here .You guys life will be in danger ",.

"You are welcome to stay .Please stay we are just like you ", I told her .

"No"she told me .

"We are just like you but you are a little different", I stated.

"How ?"she asked .

"I can show you if you stay ",I told her and she nod.

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