Chapter Fourteen

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Ash as been staying around the house with us until he feels much better .Some of the wolves are against it and wanted to kill him but they are too scared of me .They have heard about the incident at the battlefield and also in the room . Everyone was shocked even was I.
Me and Ash try to make up for the times we didn't see each other and it was worth it .Ever since he is here I never left his side at all .

Prince was against him staying here but I reminded him about his girlfriend who is the daughter of a hunter.

Leroy is still here giving me training and telling me about all the things I could do .It's so amazing.

I was in my room with Ash .We were watching a movie .
The room door was pushed opened by Lizzy and I wonder why she was here.

"Malia I need your help it's Prince he called me and I think something is wrong .I need you to help me find him ",she told me .

"And why me ?", I asked her.

"I know you both kinder have a connection ",she told me.

"I can't ",.

"It's fine .Go with her I will stay with Josh",Ash told me and I nod leaving the house with her.

We are walking for a long while now .No road no house and no Prince.

"Where you say is Prince exactly because my wolf cannot feel him?",.

"He's somewhere I guess"she told me standing behind of me.

There is something wrong .Her thoughts have been lingering and I cannot get a perfect sense out of it .

I turned around quickly as soon as I get sense out of her thoughts .I was too late she already injected me in the neck with a insulin .

"I have always wanted to do this",she laughed as I fell to the ground.My body was so cold and shock wave was going through out my body . I was there shivering as my chest tightens.

"My dad will be so proud of me "she said walking off leaving me there.

Prince POV

"Babe it's Malia . Someone attack us in the woods and I can t find her .I think she is dead ",Lizzy rushed inside the house .

"What !?", I exclaimed.

"What were she doing in the woods the first place ?",i asked.

"She wanted to go for a walk so we did ",.

"You know she is not supposed to come out of sight Lizzy!.", I shout at her getting angry .

"Where is my sister?",.Ash walk into the room asking .

"We need to go find her", I told him.

"Wait what ?.She and Lizzy went to find you and now am seeing your girl and am not seeing Malia",.

"What?"I asked confusly.

The shouting brought attention to the room.

Josh was getting angry at Lizzy.

"What did you do to her? ", he raised his voice .

First from his girlfriend died I see him  in this anger .He really cares about Malia or should I state it seems like he loves Malia.

"Let's go find her ",I told Ash and Josh.

"You try to locate her ",Ash told me but I couldn't .

"I can't ",.She is my mate but I couldn't .My wolf got feelings for her but I did not .I fight hard to put him out of his feelings.

"Just let's go ",Josh told me and we followed behind in.

Deeply into the woods I almost think Josh lost us. What the hell they were doing in this area of the woods.No hunter come into this territory so how did a hunter attacks them here I think.

"She's close",Josh say and I am praying he is right .We come to a stop in the middle of the woods  then he begun to run.

"Josh wait ",I called out at him as we followed behind him.

"Malia!",I heard him shout out scooping up her into his hand .

Ash touched her but release his hand immediately .

"She's so cold.Its like my skin is been itched onto her body",.

I touched her and she was there freezing .Her body temperature changing every minute.

"Look like shes been poisoned ", I  whispered out and Josh hold on to her tightly and run back into the direction we are coming from .

I could not run leaving Ash behind so I have to keep up with him .He is human and I am a wolf I am way faster than him.

When we reach to the house Malia was already on a bed and my mom was already taking care of her.

Her skin was getting pale with the colour of ice . Josh was there beside her .He looks so worried.

"Can you guys help her? ",I asked my mom and the elders of the pack .

"I don't know but we injected her with a medicine that will slow down the poison",one of the elders said .

" So she will die", Ash asked running a hand through his hair .

"As soon as I get her back she will now leave me for ever.This is all your girl faults .I bet she was the one that did this to her ",he shouts at me.

"Look here . Don't come in here blaming this on my girl.She was stupid enough to want to go for a walk in the woods ",.

"She didn't ....your girl came to her for help to find you and she went with her then boom this happen.I know my sister she can defend her self and if it was a hunter that attacked them it would be your red headed girl that got poisoned instead of her ", he make clear to me and I could not say anything else than to keep quite.

"Can you guys just shut the hell up please! ",Josh yelled at us  and I walked out to go find Lizzy.

Hey Guys . Thank you for reading.
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See y'all in the next chapter .

Nickii Boo 🤗 ☺️

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