Chapter Twenty Three

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Lizzy POV

Everything  I have planned is going down the right path . Getting Malia out of my life once and for all .

They all will come for her ,Hunters ,monsters and other wolves will come to hunt her and soon it will be Prince and I again no more Malia in the picture like how there's no more Malia at school.

I got back my attention .I will let that little girl lose it all .I will get rid of her starting with that video .

Malia POV

Two Weeks Later

I know this day will be here .When I will be locked away from the world ,can't been seen or heard .What did I do to deserve all this suffering?.I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling thinking .It's all Lizzy's fault .I don't know why she hates me like this .Am just feeling so paralyzed .The lonely girl that spent her entire childhood locked away from the happiness .

Am I cursed or something ?.


"What do you need Prince ?", I asked him annoyed .

"It's your brother .He's here ", he told me and I fled from the bed out of the room leaving him standing there .

Seeing Ash standing in the living room I rush to him and hugged him breaking down into tears .

"Don't cry sis strong",.

"I can't Ash ,I will be dead soon",I break down even more.

"No you won't I will risk my life just to save you I promise ",he told me .

"My once adopted mom will soon be hunting me .You won't fight against your mom Ash .That's not right",.

"That's the reason am here. She have saw the video and planning to come for you Malia and I cannot lose you so I will do what ever it takes ,even if it is to fight against my mom",he told me .

"She's going to kill me .They all are coming for me ",  I raised my voice depressed at him and ran back upstairs to my room.

I slam the door and break down into deep frustration tears .I started to scream and unscrambling my room.I threw things at the wall while I scream .

"Malia stop",Prince ordered me .

"Why can't you believe me for once Prince !! Why ?!!",I shout at him getting angry ,things started to fly across the room by my mind .

"I believe you ",he lied.

"Stop lying . I can hear your thoughts and your pulse.Your heart just skip a beat Prince ", I look at him sternly breaking his left leg and he fell to his right knee.

He's trying to hold back his pain as he fight to get up .

"Malia ",he whimp.

Every time he got back on his feet I break somewhere else .

"Stay down before I kill you ", I warned him .

"You will have to kill me then ",he groaned following with a growl .

His wolf has now taken over and I smiled .

"Malia stop !!",Derek shouts at me .

"You guys stay out of this ", I warned them slamming and bolting the door in their  face .

They try to break it down but it was useless.

"Look at me Malia",Prince tries to get into my head .

"Don't do that ", I warned him breaking another bone in his body.

"Why aren't you begging me to stop.Why aren't you yelling in pain?!! ", .

He fight and got back up on his feet again "No matter what you do to me I will never give up in helping you ", he said limping towards me.

"What?",I  asked him confused.I never heard him say something like that before since I arrived here .

"You might think I hate you but I do not  Malia ", I try to read his mind or what ever I did before but he was telling the truth.

"Stop getting into my head ", I told him taking a step backwards holding onto my head.

"Don't fight it Malia ",.

"Prince ", I whispered .

"I won't let them get to you so easy .Josh,Derek ,Ash and the others won't give you up with out a fight Malia ",he told me and I fell to my knees trying to calm my self down.

"I will be here for you ", he once told me again kneeling in front of me cupping my cheeks .

I hugged him thightly.

"I got you Malia",he whispered in my ears running a hand over my hair .

I exhale and pull away from him holding on to his hand looking him in the eyes taking away his pain.

He was in alot of pain but he still pushed to get to me .My body feeds on the pain like it's nothing.I could feel everything flowing through my veins.

I saw my eyes flash green in his but I didn't stop .I couldn't stop from taking away all his pain .I was lost deep into his eyes and before I could think his lips mets mines .

He kissed me gentle but I pulled away .

"You got a girlfriend that you love and this is not really you ",I told him kissing him on the forehead and getting up from the ground .

I open the window and looked back at him "Am sorry Prince ",jumped through and  run deep into the woods.

I can not risk their lives .I will be dead with or without them.

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