Chapter Thirteen

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A wolf roar at me and I look at it sternly into it's eyes .I stared into it for seconds and it started to cry .It fell to the ground and with that I shake my head .My attention back to Ash.

"Ash ", I cried shaking his body .He started to spit blood .He was shot .He take the bullet for me and now he's going to die. Why didn't he just let it  hit me ?.

Look what I have cause again .

He starts to gasp for breath as he try to mumble something to me .A small pale smile apply on his face .

I put a finger on his lips to shut him up .His eyes starting to role over and I begin to worry even worst.

"Ash!", I shake his body .

"No !!!!!!",I scream getting everybody attention.

Every one around me fell to the ground both human and wolves .
All attention on me.

"Malia ",Nicky my adopted mom whispered out looking at me.

She got up quickly and starting to approach me. Josh told me she was danger and before she could reach me I lift my hand and screamed at her "Leave me !!", I was shocked to see her far away from me like a wave of my head throws her back .Her men get up from the ground and run away from the City and she followed.

I was angry but was calm when that one and only warm hand hold onto me.That vanilla smell.

"Calm down", Josh told me and I did.

Everyone shift back as they walk up surrounding me .

Prince look at me in disgust.

"Help me please "I begged them.

"He's a hunter and we don't help hunters",Prince told me .

I flash my hand up into the air into a fist "Just help him!",I shout angrily and Prince cried out falling to his knees holding onto his head .

"Malia !.Stop ", Josh shake my body and I was back to this world .

"We will help him ",he told me and lift his body from the ground and rush with him through the woods.

Everyone follow behind him .Prince got up from the ground and look at me before running away .I saw Leroy with a smile on his face before running away too or wasn't I seeing good.

I got up and followed behind them.

They place Ash on a counter ,some didn't want to help him but others was willing.

Cindy was there trying to do her best .She removed the bullet from the left part of his chest .I wonder if he will make it because that's where the heart is . His chest was bleeding badly and despite she pumped it repeatedly and blow into his mouth .

I stood there by his side looking and holding onto his left hand only wanting to see his eyes open.

She gave up and am feeling terrified .I can't lose my brother.

"No please help him ",I begged and cried to them again.

"He's dead Malia can't you see that .Why do you care so much and you do not even know him?", Prince raised his voice at me .

I look at him angrily "Because he is my brother ", I shout stamping my hand against Ash chest . I saw his eyes flicker wide open and he open his mouth gasping for breath.

I was in relief .Cindy rush over to him trying to get his wound to stop bleeding .She finally did but he was in alot of pain. The wolf scar went so deeply into his chest .

He yelled in pain as he hold on to my hand tightly .

"Help him ....take the pain away please ", I begged them but they be looking at me like they can not do it.

"Only you can take his pain Malia ",Leroy walk inside the room saying. I look at him confused .

"What ?....wait",.

"You just need to focus but if you take his pain it will change something in you ",.

"How am I going to focus ?. What am i going to focus on and where am I supposed to focus? ",.that's all the questions I need to ask I don't care what it wanted to change in me.

"You will know just closed your eyes but before heal him first",.

"What ?",.

He walk up to me "Give me your hand ", he told me and I did.

He take a knife from the counter and hold it to my hand.

"Don't you dare ", Josh told him.

"It's okey Josh .I will do it if it's the only thing that can save my brother ",.

I bite onto my bottom lip as he slice my palm with the knife .

"Give him your blood to drink",.

"What ?.No",.

"Do it ",he told me and I did .

"Take some Ash ",i whispered to him not wanting to lose him and he did.

I was surprised seconds after his wound stop bleeding and they were heeled but he was still in pain.

I look up at Leroy and he smiled at me "Now take his pain",he told me and with that I closed my eyes trying to think about something.I could not think about anything else but me hurting others .Ash was there in pain although his wounds were heeled .He yelled .

I think hard and hard until my mind flicker back to the day at school where he was taking the photos of us and back to the day he comforts me .A smile apply on my face and with that I heard no more noise .I opened my eyes to see him laying there perfectly.

I hugged him tightly "I thought I lose you ",.

"I have searched everywhere for you Malia from the day I saw you in the woods when you was a wolf .I thought you died ",.

"No I am here Ash .I didn't remember anything about you until I saw back your face today ", I told him.

"I love you ",he told me .

"I love you too Ash",.
I look up at Leroy and hugged him "Thank you ",.

"I promise you something and I will keep that promise ", he told me and I smile .

Thank you for reading guys.
Please vote and comment .See you in the next chapter.

Nickii Boo 🤗 ☺️

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