Chapter Seven

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Prince POV

Laying back on my bed ,my nose twitched. My heart begins to pump faster than usual as my wolf communicate with me trying to take over.

"What's wrong with you ?",.

"My mate is out there and she's hurt I can feel it .I need to find her",.

"Hell no .You already have your mate", I screamed at it in my thoughts and take back control.

"Prince !.We need to go now ", my mom burst into my room and command me.

"What's wrong mom ", I asked her confuse to the fact that I need to go with her right now.

"One of our wolf is hurt ",she told me and I hop out of bed as quickly as possible . I am the alpha of my pack and I care about my pack .

"Come on mom lets go ", I told her running through the door.

Reaching outside I gather four men with me and my mom and run into the woods. Getting deeper into the woods that funny feeling as before starts to kick up again . Now my wolf has taken over my body and leads me in a different direction. I stop in the middle of the woods near a water fall . I try to push back my wolf away but a angry growl behind my caught my attention.

I turned around to see a angry injured silver wolf.

"It's a silver wolf", my mom communicates with me.

"We cannot fight it .It is must faster and stronger than us", one of my pack members communicates .

"It is angry ",another one mention.

"She is your mate and you need to calm her down ", my wolf told me.

"I don't need no damn mate', I yelled at him looking at the angry wolf infront of us . It can kill us in couple of seconds. I thought and breathed out " How am I going to do that ", I finally give in and asked him.

"Let me take over ", he told me and I did let him take control.

The wolf growled at me and I growled back but it's growl was louder . I almost bow down.

"You are a Alpha ", my mom mind link with me and I growled louder at her .

It steps closer to me and we are inches apart .She growls and I growls .

It growl louder and I remind my self that I am the Alpha and growl even louder .I could think I heard a tree fell to the ground in the woods and she bow down to me . It lay on it side and shift out into a naked shivering girl.

"That's my mate ", my wolf rejoice and I was annoyed and took back over my body.

"She injured", my mom whispered walking over to her as quickly as possible trying to move her body with her head

"Let's go "I ordered them while shifting back into my human form

"We can not leave her here", she told me.

"I am not bringing her ", I told her and she ordered one of the pack members to bring her and he scoop her up and we run off back home through the woods.



"You knew it was her. You knew it was Malia", my mom argued with me.

"I didn't know mom ", I argued back.

"Stop lying to me Ash! ",.

"I am not lying to you !", I yelled at her.

"Yes you are ,I know you .If you didn't know it was Malia you would have killed her .You was so closed .Your Gun was right under her head and nothing is hard in that to just fire. Now I know I cannot let you hunt with us", she folds her arms across her chest and brace upon the kitchen counter.

"What do you mean ?",I asked her in a faded voice. My head begins to spins as my muscles weaken and my vision getting blurry . I moan slightly .

"You poison me ", I breathed out before falling to the ground. My eyes focused on her body until I start to see two of her.

"You think I will let you get into my way son .I know you love Malia but that ain't stopping me from killing her ", she laughed then all I could see was darkness.


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