Chapter Six

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4 Months Later

I have search and search for Malia in every woods and couldn't find her .All my hope is up now she must be dead . My mom ,I and the squad will be going out to hunt a mysterious creatures that is killing off our people tonight. I love hunting .It is like one of my hobby ,Hunting is a part of me and I is a part of hunting .I just didn't want to hunt my sister .Although she wasn't my blood I do love her .She was the sister I have every wanted .Malia was crazy ,fun ,scared ,confused ,a shy baby and a lot more and I really love that because that let me feel like a big brother and I can finally be over protected .

Taking all my weapons from the store room. I put them in place. My pack of arrows was across my back .My belt with different sort of blades and bullets was around my waste. A shot gun was in my pants waist and one knife was in each shoe. After I jag downstairs to meet my mom in the living .We run out into the woods to meet the rest of the group.


We camp in the middle of the forest waiting for the alarm to go off.

Minutes later we heard one couple distance away from us making noise .

We all cheered in melody "Yaaaahh", well happy to go kill.

We look at the tracker and ran into the direction the trap went off. My mom signals everyone to be silent and get into their position .We all pulled out our killing weapon and approach the area.

A loud howl echo's through my ears and I realized it was a wolf with shining fur.

My mom signals two man to go out and they did. She continue doing so as all the men surrounds the wolf and it was now in the middle.

The wolf scan it's surrounding and howl loudly like it was scared .It set off to run but was hit with a arrow by my mom.

It howl even louder now even looking more angrier .It set off and started to attack members of the pack .It was so swift and fast and it's teeth seems sharp it was tearing men heads off with one bite . I didn't see nothing like this before.

"Retreat !", my mom yelled as she noticed we are no match to this wolf.

We all ran ,ran back into the direction of the camp.I run as fast as possible but my foot trip over a stump that was in the way.

I roll over to my back crawling back wards but before I could get up on my feet the wolf came in sight.

It's tongue stuck out of it's head with saliva dripping from it .I could definitely see in it's mouth .It's teeth pointed .It growl as it approach me . I stay still in my position and pulled my gun from my waist .

I was alone .No one noticed I fell. The wolf walks up to me slowly growling in anger.

It was now so close to me our breath mingled together as my gun was under it's head.

My eyes met it's and I could not believe .

"No it could not be", I whispered in shock .

"Ash!!", I heard my mom shouts as the words left my mouth "Malia",.

The wolf growled at me louder as I mention it's name . A shout was fired and the wolf howl in pain and fled off from me.

"No mom stop ", I try to stop her and get up tackling her on the ground.

She push me off her." What the hell is wrong with you Ash?? .I almost got it ", she shouts at me.

"Me too mom ", I raised my voice at her walking away from her.

She is alive .She really is .I thought she died but she didn't but she just turn .She will be the topic of my mom meeting now.


"Like you all see .We have lost couple of our men's last night . We were up against a rare specie of wolf The Silver Wolf. My adopted daughter now long live and no creature kill our family and get away with it ", she shouts.

"Yaahh!", everyone shouts except me.

"We will find her and then we will torture her", she shouts again and everyone cheered.


This chapter is short I know .This is actually my first ware wolf book so please see with me .Sorry for any mistakes . Comment what you think ,Thank You.

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