Chapter Fifteen

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"Lizzy !",.

"What's wrong babe?",she answered approaching me.

"Did you do this to her? ",.

"Oh ,you guys find her",.

"Answer me!", I yelled at him .

"You do trust me right ",she asked throwing her hands over my shoulder looking into my eyes.

"Yes ",I sigh.

"Okey Good",she smile letting go of me.

"She will be dead right .....Aumm I mean will she be okey",.she asked .

"No..Ion know she's not doing well",I run a hand through my hair.

"Okey .Poor Malia",she said walking towards the bed.

Malia POV

It is like I am trapped into a different world .My soul feels torment .I am in so much pain and it can not go away.

All I could see was darkness and persons around me thoughts.

Someone was here holding onto my hand and I know it is Josh I know that by the warmth of his hand .He was terrified .All he thinks is if am going to be okey .He didn't want to lose me .He know I can get through this I am strong enough .I wish I could get through it too but I can not it's too painful.

I feel like giving up .I am trying and I am fighting but the darkness is taking over.

Ash was blaming all of this on his self .He thinks if he didn't tell me to go I would have still been there with him right now .He can't bare to lose me and if he do he have nothing living for. I wish I could reach out to him and tell him not to worry and to forget about me .

"Malia .Wake up please", I heard a unfamiliar voice talking.

"She been out for weeks and she's getting worst ,no improvement",
Josh told her .He never leave my side .I can definitely  hear his stomach crying for food.

"She's really beautiful mom", a male voice said .

"Yes she is .Your sister  really is ",.
Wait what ?. Did i have another brother.

Was the lady talking is my mother ?.No it can't be my parents died .

"I should have come here the first time I heard you was here but I know if I did I will just bring the bad guys to you .All i have ever wanted is to protect you that's why I gave you away  when I first knew what you was but I guess I can't protect you again",.

She is really my mother .My parents didn't die well my biological parents didn't die and i got a siblings .That was good news to me.

"You are her mother "Ash asked .

"Yes I am",.

"You knew about her Josh",.

"Yes I did .I knew about them ",.

"And you didn't tell Malia",.

"I was trying to protect her .That's all I try to do from she step into this house",he told him.

I need to fight this ,I need to see my mom and brother .I try to find away to heal myself .I try remember what Leroy tells me .If I heal myself it will change something in me .
I don't believe that I can arm a soul .

"How is she doing mom?", I  heard Prince voice.

"Her heart stop", .

No it can't be .My heart cannot stop am still here .Cindy is not thinking  correctly.

"She didn't make it Prince .Her heart stop", she sigh.

Guys no am still here  .I try to communicate with them.

Josh thoughts are all up into my mind .He was broken and terrified .I never knew he had a girlfriend he lost just like this and that makes it even worst for him.
Ash and some others was sad .Ash was broken .He was sad .He was weak .He blame it all on his self .

Lizzy was rejoicing but Prince deep down he was griefing  .

I felt three  soft kiss on my forehead .One from Josh,Ash and the other I don't know who it was from .

I felt my body being lifted from the bed as the three broken souls take my body away .

"Place her in the box", I heard Cindy voice.

No guys am still here .Please don't do this .

"Let her down ",she said again .I could no longer hear anyone thoughts  a hour after .

I was there alone in my dark world lost and unhappy .

All I could remember was that I got a mother and a brother .It's seems like years I have been trapped inside this darkness.

I try to figure ways how to heal my body but useless until my dead parents appeared to me .They were there by my side until I figured out how to heal myself .It was working slowly and but surely .

I can feel it .

Prince POV

It's been three days now since Malia died .I have been feeling so weak like half of me was gone .Some of the wolves around was sad mostly the kids .They cried every night and because of that no good rest for some of us.

Ash and Josh aren't doing well their selves .Ash went back home the day after his sister was burried .Josh didn't talk to anyone .He is all locked up into his room .

Malia POV

I gasp for breath as my eyes flickered open .I was in a casket and maybe 14ft under.

I shout "Somebody help !!",.

How stupid nobody will hear me .

I breathe heavily as it seems like the box was enclosing on me.

I beat the box trying to get out but was useless.

I need to get out . I was getting scared .I closed my eyes to push away the fear but it overwhelmed me.

"Let me out !!", I screamed  stamping my hand onto the box top where it explode sending the top and the dirt into midst air .

I stood and immediately I was out of the box .I look around me wondering how did all of this happened .My body feeling weak and my head feeling dizzy with that I fell to the ground.
See you in the next chapter.
Thank you

EXTRAORDINARY(Slowly Editing).Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ