Chapter Twenty One

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One Week Later

Walking into school doing my everyday routine holding hand with Josh but this time Sam was beside us .I was getting used to the surrounding and also picking up within classes .No one treats me like the odds anymore except for Lizzy and her friends.

Until now I don't know why she's here in a were wolf school.

Classes went by and I have learnt alot .I haven't seen Lizzy and her crew in sight from day and that takes off a burden off my shoulders.

Walking to the lunch room I glued my eyes to the floor not wanting to see any ones face .

My books was slapped out of my hand and I hissed "What the hell?",and look up to see who the person was.

I guess I talked too quickly .It was Lizzy ,Lydia ,Zack and another addition to  her crew which I don't know .

"You must be Malia ",the addition said and I nod .

"Well am Kim and it's so nice to me meet a new victim",she smiled.

Lydia stoop down and take up one of my books "This must be yours,let's see if your learning",she winks at me.

"Give that back " I told her taking a step forward to grab my book from her but I was pushed with force across the hall by Zack .

My back hit a locker and a growl escape my mouth .I feel the power overwhelming my body and I try to push it away.

I fled up from the ground fastly gripping my book from Lydia in sprints seconds before they could notice  and fist Zack to the face .

When I realized what was taking place .I stopped and the feeling was gone .

"Am so sorry ", I told Zack but it was too late .An angry growl escape his mouth and his eyes went dark .Lizzy ,Lydia and Kim giggled .

"Josh isn't here to save you now right",Lydia said as Zack grip me in the neck lifting my body off the ground .

My breath was closing off .

"Zack that's enough ,let her go now",Lizzy told him.

"She need to be thought a lesson .I am more powerful than a wimp like her ",he growled.

The hall was full with kids and there's no one to help .

Lizzy fled from the scene and in seconds she's back with Josh and Prince.

"I tried to stop him "she fake cried to Prince.

I cough slightly as I try to catch my breath.
My dead parents appear in my vision .

"You are stronger than this Malia.Everyone is going to hurt you use your powers to defend yourself ",they said and with that I start to remember everyone that once mock and hurts me.The power taking over my body once again .The feeling of it rushing through my veins let me feel powerful .

"Let her go Zack ",Prince ordered him and he smiled "Okey ", throwing me across the floor again.

"She's a wolf she can heal right", he said .

"Malia!",Josh called out as my body landed to the ground .

I felt my left foot being broken .

I yelled in pain and the pain from my leg triggers something in me.

The yelling turned into growling as I pull energy from my surrounding .

"Malia,Are you okey ", Josh asked me kneeling down beside my body .

I look up at him angrily cannot control what's going on with my body.

"Shit ",he spits shockingly pulling his self a bit back wards .

I could feel my teeths have grown longer and my claws are out as I claw onto the floor.

"Malia calm down ",.

I look into his eyes  for something  to calm myslef but I couldn't find anything.I could see the reflection of my eyes in his .They were green .His eyes got nothing but hurt inside of them .

I stand up swiftly on my now heeled leg and he grab onto my hand .

"They will see you Malia .Please calm down ",he begged me .

I try to fight but I was useless .I look up where Prince was at and he was there whooping Zack .Nobody was paying Josh and I attention .All eyes were on Prince .

I glimpse Lizzy on her phone .I don't know what she was doing calling for help or something.

I yank my hand away from his wanting to rip off the heads of who messed with me .

I let out an angry growl getting everyone attention now but before I could run off to fullfil my desire I fell to my knees weakly .

"Josh ", I exhale seeing blurry vision .

My body was catched by a firm structure "I am sorry Malia .I had  to do this ",he told me before I was out .

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