- Yet another time skip ~ brought to you by the anti swearing mother association -

Kacchan woke up WAY earlier than I did, he wanted to get to the first day of school as soon as possible, he wanted to memorize the layout. He already knew where the dorms were but he was gonna have trouble with memorizing where 1-A was... Ah well, His problem not mine...

I ended up sleeping until an hour before classes started. I ran over to the school using OFA because why not and walked my way to the classroom with 25 minutes left till the first bell.

'Kacchan still isn't here... meh, probably just lost.'

I found my seat and reclined in peace, waiting for the rest of the class to pour in. I hadn't seen them in years after all, and after my last Run I don't know if Im ready to see some of them. 

'During the 4th Run aka previous run, Izuku and his class were 20+ years old and all heroes, Izuku was holding a heroes meeting to defeat All for One as he killed All Might after he escaped from Tartarus as OFA was no longer in All Might. Since All Might was once my teacher, we all agreed that arrest wasn't an option. We all had him surrounded and had conquered the L.O.V and defeated the many Nomu he had, so it was AFO against all of my Class 1-A Hero group. What I didn't know, what he gained a Mimicry quirk that allowed him to form a body of Anyone he wanted and use them as a puppet. He used that to play with all of our feelings.

An example of how he did that is when he made two puppets, Endeavor and Todoroki's mother, and he made the Endeavor doll beat the other to a near death state. This cause Todoroki to lose control and attack out of anger, making him an easy kill. One by one, he killed all of the class, all of my friends were brutally massacred in front of my eyes until it was just Ochaco and I, and I knew Ochaco was next... AFO simply sho-'

My recollection was cut short by the first few people coming in.

'Yellow hair, black streak, its Kaminari. Behind him- Sero and Jiro huh.'

As they walked in, Kaminari saw me and immediately saw *FRIEND* *FRIEND* *FRIEND* just blinking in his eyes and ran right up to my desk.

"Hey man! Midoriya right? You were crazy strong in the exam, even though your a rec. student, the Top one not to mention! Lets be friends! Im Kami-"

"Kaminari Denki, quirk: Electrify, right?" I said standing up and shaking his hand, "Lets be friends." I repeated. Sero walked up to me after,

"Your quirk is really powerful, mines ta-"

"Sero Hanta, quirk: tape, Good to meet ya." Hand shake again. Jiro walked up to me after that, and as every other girl to be even Near me, she blushed a little as she held out her hand,

"Im J-"

"Jirou Kyoka, quirk: earphone jack. A pleasure." And another shake.

I back up from the three introductions, only to see them all in shock and staring at their hands...

"You guys alright? Did I say something?" I ask, a little confused.

"What do you mean???" Sero exclaimed,
"You shook our hands!" Jirou,
"How does someone as Cool and Awesome as you know US?" Kaminari,

"Ehehe, well I shook your hands because thats how introductions work Jirou, and Kaminari, people like YOU are worth knowing." I finished by patting him on the shoulder. The three of them were still awestruck, but after I finished saying that, I heard another familiar voice.

"Those were some manly words bro! Your so humble man! My name i-"

I shook his hand, "Eijiro Kirishima, quirk: Hardening, right?"

"S-s-so manly..." (has single manly tear).

"Is that your quirk?? You just know stuff about others?" Someone else asked,

"Ah, Toru Hagakure, quirk: Invisibility, almost didn't see ya there!" I go to shake her hand but my hand hits something bouncy, *insert derp face* "... bounce?"


"M-my bad..." I said bowing, she just answer with a 'Its fine', but I could feel a glare against my back, getting heavier and heavier, "Oh no... Mineta right?" I say without turning,


"Luck I guess?"

The rest of the class started filling in the room and mostly gathering around me as I was soon known as "Mr Know it All". I didn't really mind it all tho.

As soon as I made the last introduction, I noticed a yellow caterpillar looking directly at me...

"Shouta Aizawa right? Aka Eraser Head?" I said loudly to be heard over the noise around me. Everyone turned around to see Aizawa getting out of the bag,

"Huh, didn't know you had that quirk kid... Midoriya right?"

"Yes sir."

"Huh, you didn't get top recommendations with that quirk didja?"

"No sir. To be honest its not a quirk sir."

"Huh... don't care anymore. Alright everyone, uhhh, put these on and meet me outside."

'Man I don't get it, the lessons are always different in the Runs for some reason, but this always stays the same.'

That was a suuuuuper long chapter, My bad guys. Ah well hope your enjoying so far. There should be some actual action coming soon so just stay tuned. (I do also plan on adding my own fights in the story so its not dependent fully on the Canon anime or Manga)

word count: 1355

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