♛Chptr. 22 || ☆☆Tiny Trip (Part 3): "Not So Tiny Clapback"☆☆♛

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We will hoe around in this chapter, trust me.
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 (●≧ω≦)9 (〜^∇^)〜

6,950+ Words
(I'm not crying, you are xD)

☆☆Tiny Trip (Part 3): "Not So Tiny Clapback"☆☆

To say that Jungkook was over the moon might still be an understatement.

People who would see him right now might even think that he took a whole tub of sugar because of how energetic he seemed that early in the morning. With that silly and almost idiotic wide smile on his face, Joker would be ashamed. 

"Uhh. . ." Taehyung started but could barely point what he wanted to say the moment he stepped in the kitchen and saw Jungkook gliding all around as if he's dancing. He could hear some sizzle from the pan on the stove as Jungkook glides his feet on the floor once again and hummed as he stirred something on that bowl in the counter with an egg beater.

Don't get him wrong, he's not confused about Jungkook acting like a love-struck high-school boy again because that one's normal to see. What bothers him was the fact that Jungkook was cooking. Damn, just thinking about it makes him shiver in fear. 

But was it even normal to hear some sizzle from hot cooking oil in the pan when Jungkook isn't even really frying because he's actually just making pancakes? Just how much oil did Jungkook put in that pan?

And to add to all of that--

Seokjin coughed as he fanned his hand in the air, busy exhaling the air out of his system that welcomed him when he stood beside Taehyung.

"What the hell is going on here?" He asked still coughing. Jungkook turned around and stared at the two with that animated smile of his whilst holding that egg beater with splatters of some unknown substance in it. Gross. Does pancake mixtures always look that gooey?

"Oh, hyungs! You both woke up early. I was making pancakes." Jungkook said as bright as the morning sun. 

Taehyung started whispering something that Jin couldn't properly hear since he was busy scowling at Jungkook with his arms folded on his chest.

"You were making what?" Jin asked with his eyebrows furrowed, still smelling that foul smell but he couldn't comprehend where was it coming from.

"Um, h-hyung. . ." Taehyung started again but Jin raised his hand to stop his younger brother, wanting to deal with Jungkook first.

"Pancakes! I've seen this recipe on youtube and it received many likes so I thought of making it." Jungkook beamed as he explained and Jin laughed as if offended.

"Was it supposed to smell this shitty?" He asked, feeling Taehyung tugging on his sleeves but he shrugged his younger brother's call since he's still not finished with Jungkook. But when Taehyung didn't stop he faced his brother in a whim and glared, annoyed that Taehyung keeps on interrupting him.

♛Tiny Problem♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now