♛Chptr. 17 || ☆☆Tiny Misconceptions☆☆♛

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Another update because my fingers are really itching to start "The Dense and The Denser" already (T^T)

Another update because my fingers are really itching to start "The Dense and The Denser" already (T^T)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

☆☆Tiny Misconceptions☆☆

It was a Monday and Jimin was supposed to be working overtime. So like every other day, Jungkook takes over in babysitting Minwoo after he fetched the three-year-old from his daycare class. 

Surprisingly though, that day, Jungkook and Hoseok who decided to visit for the day, were both surprised to see Jimin already in the apartment when they arrived. Jimin welcomed his son with a warm hug as always and smiled at the two adults who questioned him on why he came home early. The single father then happily explained that his boss let him come home for the day since he always works overtime anyway.

Hoseok joked that he will kiss Jimin's hot boss for him as thanks in which Jimin replied with a giggle and a slap on his best friend's arm. Hoseok marched in the kitchen, offering to help Jimin in preparing dinner since he said that his other job wouldn't start in a few hours. Jimin welcomed Jungkook in and asked why Jin and Taehyung didn't come for today. And that was a little odd considering that the Kim brothers were always trailing behind Jungkook and Minwoo nowadays.

Jungkook shifts on his seat on the sofa, taking advantage of Minwoo changing out from his daycare uniform in the bedroom to explain what happened to Jimin and why Taehyung and Jin are actually in a middle of a fight. And that the two were currently not in a very good place, with Taehyung ignoring his older brother as Jin keeps on trying to apologize to his younger brother.

And then comes to the main reason why Taehyung was mad in the first place. He also talked to Jimin about what they saw the other night in the alleyway and Jimin burst out laughing, holding onto his stomach as Jungkook explains further. Jungkook also finds himself laughing with Jimin, adding more things to what happened the day after witnessing such a scene.

The smaller of the two sat on the couch with Jungkook, still wiping away the tears that brimmed on the corner of his eyes from too much laughing. He apologized after because really, he's not supposed to laugh. Nonetheless, he still sat and listened to Jungkook. 

"And God, Taehyung-hyung was still so mad about it. And the expression on Jin-hyung's face the moment he stepped inside our shared room was priceless! He didn't even know that we were awake," They laughed together as Jungkook remembered how Jin planned to sneak back in his bed silently not knowing that he's already busted.

"Taehyung-hyung even made Jin-hyung sleep in the living room alone and he was being so childish, ignoring Jin-hyung every time Jin-hyung tries to talk to him about it. But of course. . . Taehyung-hyung was a stubborn man. So now Jin-hyung is currently an invisible man in his eyes, acting like there was some ghost in the house whispering." They were both so lost in each other's company, Jimin even throwing himself on Jungkook as they chortled, feeling sorry for Jin. 

♛Tiny Problem♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن