♛Chptr. 18 || ☆☆Tiny Mistake and A Fall Out☆☆♛

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You wouldn't believe how much I fangirled at this chapter xD
WTF, I'm embarrassed because it's my own story and I shouldn't get affected like this.

This contains 5,500+ words.
Hold your weapons until it's ready ;)))
⚠️You've been warned.⚠️

☆☆Tiny Mistake and A Fall Out☆☆

There Jimin sat at the back of the Chinese restaurant where he works, observing the empty-looking brick walls opposite their building and just simply breathing. But even that seemed too hard to do now. 

The past few days had taken a toll on him and he feels more tired than usual. And that's not a very good sign considering that he doesn't get tired easily, he can't. But his body was already the one giving him signals to stop torturing himself from too much work that's unnecessary. His muscles had grown stiff and even his feet don't have the energy in the morning to even lift himself up from the bed.

It was almost three days now after he had a breakdown from the hospital's incident. Those three days felt horrible, as if all of the stitches he's been trying to hide had all reopened to remind him how fresh his scars are still. How his wounds still ache to the point where his whole being could feel it again.

He couldn't eat properly during those past days but he forced himself to, not wanting to worry his son for the state he was currently in. He tries to look strong and happy, like nothing was wrong so Minwoo would not feel his burden. That's the last thing he would want to happen. He didn't even tell what happened to his best friend and he acts like everything's okay, like he's still functioning properly although his mental state is really in haywire. He also apologized to Jungkook from acting rude that day when they went to that part of their neighborhood and had explained that he was just tired. 

But what he doesn't know though, was the fact that Jungkook could feel him distancing himself. The younger had been on edge the past three days, he felt too itchy to ask Jimin if he did something wrong because he knew he wasn't just overreacting. He could really feel the change in Jimin's demeanor towards him. And it was no surprise that he was also sulking to the Kim brothers about it too.

'He finally felt your dick always twitching in your pants whenever you see him so felt grossed out,' Taehyung told Jungkook only to earn a smack on his head.

'It's because your gayness screamed obvious,' Seokjin followed but frowned when it was Taehyung who scoffed at what he said. His younger brother still doesn't forgive him and it's almost a week now.

"I could hear all your thoughts all the way inside, Jiminie." Jimin flinched on where he was sitting, his body turning towards the back door only to see Mr. Xiao smiling at him. "Got a lot of worries?" His boss asked as he shooed Jimin so the latter could make space for him on that old wooden bench.

Jimin relaxes once he feels his boss' company, his shoulders sagging as he momentarily stared on his fingers that were clasped on his thighs. "It's nothing Mr. Xiao, really. I just. . . feel tired these days." He replied with a low and dispirited voice. 

Mr. Xiao's eyes were fixated on him, his eyes unbelieving Jimin's words. Even a blind person who couldn't see would know that what Jimin said was a lie, it was the tone of his voice that gave him away. Jimin sounds discouraged, almost miserable. And Mr. Xiao wasn't used to Jimin being that way because Jimin never shows any signs of weariness. He never allows anyone to see himself that way. 

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