forty-one | what really happened (i)

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f o r t y - o n e::

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f o r t y - o n e

"anywhere you wanna go?" jimin asked as hae sat beside him in the passenger seat

hae stared out the window, humming to herself as she was deep in thought. jimin had brought her on the 'date' he had promised.

the car was completely silent before she finally turned to him and smiled, "lets go somewhere fun"

he nodded slowly, "yes but where do you wanna go?"

"how about the club?" she suggested

jimin raised a brow, "you want to go to the club?!"

hae nodded, her smile widening as she grabbed his hands and placed them onto the steering wheel, "drive!"

jimin scratched the back of his neck, looking from hae to outside and back, this hadn't really been his ideal place for a date, "what about your mom?"

"my aunt said that i should go out and take a breather" hae explained, rolling down her window and sticking her face outside to let the breeze flow through her hair

jimin sighed before starting the car, still slightly confused at her sudden desire to go the club. nevertheless, he drove towards the club where he and the guys were regulars, going there almost every other day, although those trips were getting more rare

jimin couldn't even remember the last time he had been here, ever since school had started he had been so busy. he realized that ever since hae and maryam had joined them all, they had begun to spend more time together and less time partying, screwing random girls, smoking and getting wasted

they stopped outside of the club, hae's facial expression had done a complete 360, she looked a little uneasy, almost as if she was about to empty the contents of her stomach all over jimin's car

"are you sure you want to go?"  jimin asked, realizing that hae had probably never even been to a club before, "we can go somewhere els—"

"it's fine!" hae stated, plastering a rather fake smile across her face as she confidently stepped out of the car

jimin sighed but he too climbed out of the car, locking it over his shoulder and heading towards the entrance to the club

the pounding music hit them as soon as the door swung open, bodies here and there dancing and chatting, a couple going at it right by the doorway. hae took a step back, her eyes wide as she scanned the entire dance floor

"it'll be fine" jimin assured, placing his hand gently on hers and guiding her towards the bar

"ah chim, long time no see" the man behind the counter greeted as jimin and hae occupied two stools

"how's it been jackson?" jimin asked the black haired man, "who you gonna hit tonight?"

jackson let out a laugh, "the one going crazy on the dance floor" he answered, looking past them and to the dance floor

jimin and hae turned around, following jackson's gaze to a brunette who seemed to have owned the dance floor, everyone as mesmerized by her as jackson seemed to be

"nice catch, she seems like a nice 10/10" jimin replied, smirking

jackson let out another chuckle before his eyes landed on hae, his eyebrow lifting slightly as if just noticing her presence, "you didn't tell me you got a girl"

jimin looked up, his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as his adam's apple bobbed up and down, "uh, actually... she was jungkook's girl" he replied slowly, the smile dropping from his face

hae looked away, not wanting to make eye contact with jimin, instead she focused her eyes back on the brunette, watching as she showed off some breakdance moves

"oh— speaking of jungkook, i haven't seen him in forever" hae could hear jackson say

"i dunno, he's been...busy" jimin replied shortly, hae could feel his intense burning gaze on her, her cheeks began to heat up even without seeing his face


"10 shots of vodka" jimin ordered, cutting jackson off and pointing to the bottles lining the shelves behind him

hae turned back to see jackson nod, glance at hae before turning around to pour them the shots in small tiny glasses

"ever drink before?" jimin asked, looking straight ahead but clearly directing his question towards her

hae shook her head, he throat dry at the mere thought

"here you go" jackson said as he placed 5 small shot glasses of vodka infront of each of them, "enjoy while i go catch tonights girl numero uno"

jimin nodded, his gaze following jackson as he walked to the dance floor and began to converse with the brunette, the two so close that one would think they're about to eat each other's face's off

hae turned to look at jimin who had now turned back to the shot glasses infront of him, downing each one in less than a minute

hae stared at hers, eyeing jimin who was now motioning for her to drink them. she picked up the first one, tilting her head back like she had seem jimin do and letting the bitter liquid slide down her throat

she set the glass down, coughing from the bitter taste and burning sensation of it all but she continued to down each one until 5 empty shot glasses sat infront of her

the alcohol was probably hard liquor because her vision began to become blurry after a few minutes, the outline of everything seemed a little fuzzy

"here" came jimins voice from beside her, although he was beside her, his voice seemed distant

she saw 5 new shot glasses infront of her, she downed each one without hesitation

then another 5 shots

and another 5 shots


jimin watched as hae stumbled around the dance floor, swinging her head to the beat of the music that was now pouding through his ears

jimin had quite high alcohol tolerance, he didn't get drunk very easily and seemed to be sober ever after 15 shots. hae on the other hand seemed wasted, she couldn't walk straight let alone speak properly

he watched as she stumbled back towards him, inching closer to him until her nose was touching his. jimin shuddered as her finger trailed along his jawline, he bit his lip to stop him from doing anything stupid

"you're so handsome" she slurred out, staring at him with practical heart eyes

she swung her hands over his shoulders and wrapped them around his neck, moving her body to the music but not tearing her gaze away from his eyes

"jungkookie, i missed you"

authors note: im back and I'm for real trying to be consistent with updating but school do be tough

this is just part 1 of 'what happened' but what did y'all think? 😏

stay safe and wear a mask! are y'all ready for comeback?

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