twenty-six | want a ride?

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t w e n t y - s i x ::

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t w e n t y - s i x

it had been a few days since hae's unexpected meeting with jungkook on the hospital rooftop and hae would constantly find herself thinking about it when she was dozing off beside her mother's hospital bed

hae had been in the hospital beside her mother for days and now her mother's condition was finally stable

but she hadn't woken up yet

all hae did to pass the time was cut fruits for herself, play games mindlessly on her phone and watch her mothers breath fog the oxygen mask

"you're going to school tomorrow hae, i took next week off so I'll take care of your mom" her aunt announced as she entered the room on a particularly boring sunday

her aunt dropped by almost everyday to give hae food and just sit with her, make sure she was doing okay

hae groaned, "i don't wanna"

her aunt sent her a stern look to which hae sighed before nodding slowly, "fine"

"good. you need to continue your studies. you mom would be so upset if you dropped everything just to be by her side, you know she wants you to succeed"

hae sighed and nodded, "i know"

and as if she had a sudden vision she quickly sprung up from the couch, "im going to take a walk"

her aunt raised her eyebrow but nodded as hae walked past her. she shut the door softly and huffed out a breath before climbing the stairs towards the rooftop

she hesitated at the door, taking a deep breath before pushing it open. her mouth curved into a frown as she looked around, internally hoping to see jungkook there

but it was empty

"why're you looking for him?!" she muttered to herself

she sat in silence as she watched the sun set, she tended to choose this time to always think and ponder upon everything

she decided she'd bring her homework here after school, it was super peaceful and she felt closer to her mother here

she sat for an hour, slightly disappointed that the black haired boy hadn't made an appearance before she mentally slapped herself

what am i thinking?!

she climbed down the stairs and decided she would take a look around the large hospital, she had never left her mother's ward

𝖎 𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖚, 𝖎 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖚 | 𝖕𝖏𝖒 Where stories live. Discover now